• And get caught on everything.

      I can’t be bothered with the inconvenience of wires. Bluetooth quality is good enough for what I need it for, and the convenience of simply putting them on gives me sound is hard to beat.

      I have a pair of noise-canceling Bluetooth headphones (not buds) from 2008 that still work. Battery life isn’t what it was, but whatever - they work fine for how I use them (as one pair of several). I could replace the battery if I felt like it, just not worth the effort.

      But I get that some people prefer the wired for their use-case.

      • The simple point is, no one forces you to use wires. Bluetooth has been a thing for decades.

        But basically every (yes some exceptions) company that makes phones forced you to use wireless ones.

        And in the case of Fairphone it is just simply hypocritical.

        • And in the case of Fairphone it is just simply hypocritical.

          I agree. I get that they’re a business and all but I haven’t seen a legitimate explanation for them removing headphone jacks and, like every other manufacturer, simultaneously introducing expensive Bluetooth ones.

            • YUP! I’m sorry, Apple earned more money than Spotify purely based on their airpod market. I refuse to believe otherwise.

              If they truly cared about repairability/maintainability they’d give me a headphone jack phone with a replaceable module in case it wears down.

              I freaking hate dongles, I always have one when I don’t need one and can never find one when I don’t. They randomly don’t work or I don’t know if this AliExpress one I bought is actually stealing my data. Just give a built-in jack, please!

    • Yep. I refuse to buy a FairPhone for this simple reason: I hate bluetooth. It means I have to buy a new expensive device to get audio quality that’s worse than before and requires batteries again. Fuck that.

      I also find it ridiculous that they call themselves “fair” but making bluetooth buds probably increases pain and suffering, because more materials have to be used to make them than a simple jack headphone.

      Anti Commercial AI thingy

      CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

      •  Senal   ( @Senal@programming.dev ) 
        3 months ago

        I don’t know about the fairness of this particular company but by that rationale nothing can ever be fair, just by existing we increase the suffering. Its how the world is.

        Think headphones jacks don’t cause suffering at some point in the chain?

        Not that I’m disagreeing, just not sure how things would get named under this specific scheme.

        Does it assume that it’s generally understood that everything is a little harmful in some way, so as long as you don’t claim otherwise, it’s cool or would everything need to be measured on some sort of average harmfulness scale and then include the rating in the title.

        Like “Horrendously harmful Apple” or “Mildly harmful Colgate”

        A bit hyperbolic perhaps.

        Genuinely not trying to start a fight, actually interested in what you think would be a good way of doing this, as I’ve occasionally pondered it myself and never come up with a good answer.

        Incidentally, this is one of the core plotlines to later seasons of “The good place”

    • People keep whining about this but honestly people who listen to music with wired headphonea are a small fraction of a 1%. And they probably have this data from their telemetry.

    • I have yet to use a USB-C to 3.5mm dongle for my phone that hasn’t gone bust in my pocket in a few months. Probably time to see about a cable for the earphones that terminates in USB-C on the phone end, but that was difficult to search for.

      I love my wired ones, and have been nursing some BT earbuds for years, but it’s hard to use wired and not to move to BT anymore without buying a phone specifically for the 3.5mm jack.

  •  CoolMatt   ( @CoolMatt@lemmy.ca ) 
    3 months ago

    Nvm replaceable batteries, I keep buying 2-3 pairs of ear buds a year because I keep forgetting them in my pants when I wash them, or I give them a pat down and don’t feel them inside of them.

    • My wife wanted me to buy her a pair of air pods.

      I’m like, get a pair of headphones to last you more than a month, then we’ll talk.

      I can’t tell you how many pairs of cheap earbuds we’ve gone through. Either lost or eaten (damn dog). Almost always just the right earbud. Never the left. I have so many lefts left.

    • They sell cases for you to attach an airtag to your headphones case. And the pro version of the iheadphones have individual find my capabilities. Should allow you to locate all three items provided you remember to look while they still have batteries.

  • Awesome, but I’m skeptical. Not because it’s Fairphone, but because previous bad experiences.

    I bought Sony buds, after reading loads of reviews and those were the best! They cost me around 300 and what I got was just shit.

    I (still) own a number of lg 800 Bluetooth headsets (those with a thing you wear around your neck) that cost me 50 bucks each, that have better audio quality, louder audio, better noise cancellation, are more comfortable, and after over 4 years still have a battery life of around 10 hours where those huge ass Sony ones cut out new after like 3-4 hours and they died after 1,5 years. I think those wearable bugs are just too small to be any good at all.

    • Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. I’m a person with ears that do not work with silicone tips either. I love the fit of AirPods. Tried AirPods Pro, and for my ears, they suck. Doesn’t matter what size tips I use, they seal poorly and fall out constantly. Regular AirPods fit great.

      Edit: grammar

      Edit 2: that being said, I want to try these because I really want replaceable batteries for my earbuds. It may be moot for me though as I live in the US and currently they aren’t shipping to the US.

      • These in-ear things never worked for me either until they started making custom hearing protection with removable filters which are compatible with most in-ear headphones. And the best thing is that you don’t need active noise canceling (depending on the openness of the headphones) because the thing is made to cancel noise. Downside is that they usually amplify bass much more than regular tips so you need to use an EQ.

        Btw, it’s possible to get some custom in-ear headphones where everything, including the tip, is one piece of plastic, which is supposed to sound fantastic, if you’re willing to spend a ridiculous amount of money.

    • I never understood why people care so much for wireless charging. It’s less efficient, therefore you heat your device more which shortens the longevity of the battery, you charge slower, and if you move the device slightly, it won’t charge, therefore it’s less reliable (unless there is a magnet array like apple). Sure, it’s useful in a pinch, but is it really a make or break feature?

      •  warm   ( @warm@kbin.earth ) 
        3 months ago

        I never understood wireless charging either, you still can’t move your device around (well if we ignore the fact you can move it around somewhat with a cable). It requires a charging pad too, so it also takes up more space.

  • I have Samsung Bluetooth earbuds that I have had for a few years and they work great but I rarely use them. I rarely listen to music through headphones. If I were to buy a new pair I may consider that ones from Pine.

        • At least the 10 never had the ability. The 9’s ability was yanked in the middle of its lifecycle. I was 🤏 close to buying a 9 on the 10’s release for a discount & I am so glad I opened a second tab to check what the unlock process would be like before a purchase only remembering not long after release the was an OmniROM version. Additionally I was wise enough to see thru the bullshit department (PR) that the feature would “soon return after maintenance” after the unlock servers had already been down for a couple months. Unsurprisingly they were never brought back online & the unlock app was revoked from the downloads page for the device.