In the last 5-7 years I’ve noticed that mobile games have devolved info always online p2w shit
What the fuck happened?
The only good games on phone are now emulators and a few Foss games
Jimmybander ( ) 94•11 months agoThey always sucked.
kratoz29 ( ) English20•11 months agoI don’t know man, I had my fair share of fun with a pair of Nyan Cat games, the original Plants Vs Zombies, Nimble Quest (I just got this again on Android and cracked the heck out of it with Lucky patcher, and still suck lol), Tiny Wings, Angry Birds and I could be missing some others.
Hathaway ( ) English9•11 months agoInfinity blade
Wahots ( ) 4•11 months agoGalaxy On Fire 2 was great, but Elite Dangerous on PC later kicked the absolute crap out of it.
kratoz29 ( ) English4•11 months agoOh yeah, I fired up my old iPhone 6s to play the Infinity Blade II, no regrets!
teawrecks ( ) 3•11 months agoThese were originally the exception, but all eventually followed the rule.
Glide ( ) 34•11 months agoWeird take, imo. Mobile games are probably the best they’ve ever been. They were traditionally a place for rampant p2w garbage gacha machines, and while those are still there, the platform has actual decent games nowadays. Real PC games are being ported to mobile and the platform is being taken seriously. Even in the world of micro transactions and gacha games, there are far more that are actually decent as games then there ever has been.
I’ve been playing Monster Hunter Now and I’ve been really impressed with it. The entirety of the Riot games are good games with reasonable microtransactions. Vampire Survivors, my go-to “I am offline” game, is the exact same game on mobile as PC, save the fact that it’s free and you have a choice to watch ads for marginal farming speedups (which can be disabled if you buy literally any of their ~$1.50 DLC expansions, which are hilariously large considering their price). Fucking Warframe is coming to/already on (?) mobile.
I genuinely can’t say mobile games have ever been in a better place than today, despite the existence of the shovelware P2W games that continue to roll out.
PraiseTheSoup ( ) 32•11 months agoNowadays? Mobile games have always sucked. All the way back to snake on your old Nokia. That game sucked too. It’s just now the games suck and they’re packed full of microtransactions.
amio ( ) 23•11 months agoWhat do you mean, “nowadays”? Mobile games always sucked.
cordlesslamp ( ) 9•11 months agoI beg to differ. Angry Bird, cut the rope, where’s my water, Space RPG, FRUIT Ninja, and a whole lot more, are classic mobile games in the beginning. They’re sometimes simple, yes, but at least there’s efforts in it to try to be original.
Nowadays, it’s all Freemium p2w cash grab.
kratoz29 ( ) English5•11 months agoThat you didn’t like them doesn’t mean they sucked, look along this thread and you’ll find ppl sharing titles worthwhile back then (me included), ofc, this is not GOTY material, but a game must not be a masterpiece in order to be enjoyable, which ultimately is what all games are for, to be an enjoyable hobby.
loops ( ) English18•11 months agoThe only good games on phone are now emulators and a few Foss games
Always has been.
Nah, angry birds used to be good and supercell stuff was OK before it went down the shitter
DJDarren ( ) English3•11 months agoI was ok with the Angry Birds franchise right up until the shitty kart racing game they pumped out. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more wretched collection of bare-faced advertising and micro transactions as that fucking piece of shit.
The game was crammed full of new pop songs, and when one would play the game would display a link to buy it from iTunes. I couldn’t let my kid play it, it was just too egregious.
Haven’t touched any of those games since. Which is a shame, because I really enjoyed the original.
Moonrise2473 ( ) 2•11 months agoThat kart game was genius programming, give you a few initial levels where it let you think that you’re driving the kart, that you’re winning because of your skills, then start the real routine of “autopilot simulator programmed to lose until you activate the paid power ups”
Edit: and I can’t believe that more than ten years passed from the release of that “game”, I remember I was playing it on my BlackBerry Z10, i can see why many itt are saying “always has been shitty” - just a year before they weren’t shitty. Gameloft released games like “9mm” and “batman the dark knight” that for just one dollar were console like experiences. And beach buggy racing, and riptide.
popcar2 ( ) English14•11 months agoIt’s a two part story:
The mobile market mostly targets kids and boomers and their resistance to microtransactions has been basically non-existent, making the market quickly become predatory and full of spam
Modern app stores have become abysmal, making it impossible for smaller games to see the light of day. 99% of google play is a dumpster fire, and the 1% that is decent isn’t published by a multi-billion dollar company so you’re unlikely to ever see it. There are good games out there, but the way the algorithms and ads work makes them constantly pushed down in the list. This isn’t “a problem” to a company like Google because they’re making bank off of all these ad spaces.
Anyways, most good games are paid, but here’s a list of stuff I’ve enjoyed playing on mobile:
Fancy Pants Adventures
Bloons TD 6
Dicey Dungeons
Dead Cells
Slay the Spire (but the mobile port is rough on small screens)
Knights of Pen and Paper +1
The Enchanted Cave 2
Let’s Create! Pottery
Data Wing
Probably a lot more I forgot. Have at it.
Yea. It was always bad, just got worse. Nowadays j just emulate old games. My main phone game is road rash for gbc
Minnels ( ) 1•11 months agoAdd slice & dice. But on itch to get it both on pc and android. It is great.
InfiniWheel ( ) 1•11 months agoDon’t forget Plants vs Zombies 2. Which despite some micro transactions, definitely held up in its early days. Rather, I’d say it got do either dirty from balancing issues rather than greed.
Björn Tantau ( ) 13•11 months agoHas it ever been better?
What happened was that they made a fuckton of money that way.
Ports of older PC games are also often quite good.
popcar2 ( ) 17•11 months agoHas it ever been better?
Actually, yes, by a big margin. Back in ~2011 mobile games were actually trying to be great. Games like Edge Extended, World of Goo, Bounce Boing Voyage, Zenonia 2 & 3, etc.
I remember early Humble Bundles being full of exciting games for mobile, now you’ll be lucky to find just one of them that isn’t filled to the brim with MTX or ads.
DJDarren ( ) English5•11 months agoI remember buying Bioshock on my iPhone way back in the mists of time, before decent controller support existed for iOS. The on screen controls weren’t great, so I didn’t spend much time playing it, always planning to come back at some point.
Then it got removed from the App Store so completely that it disappeared from my purchased list, and that was that.
erwan ( ) 3•11 months agoSurvival of the fittest. As is, the type of game that makes the more money.
Dudewitbow ( ) 2•11 months agoi mean its not like you cant go onto the mobile store and buy games like stardew valley or terraria. its just that pay to play games have taken a back seat due to the profitability of free to play games.
🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 🇮 🏆 ( ) English12•11 months agoNowadays
Lol they’ve always sucked.
Nostalgia ain’t what it meant to be
I’m not even 16, why do I feel ancient
TachyonTele ( ) 9•11 months agoTake this as a life lesson, and understand that while your view of things changes as you get older, most things generally stay the same.
You sure about that? Lot of stuff went to shit these past 5 years
TachyonTele ( ) 1•11 months agoYou’re not wrong about that.
Yea :c
Zoop ( ) 2•11 months agoI’m not even 16, why do I feel ancient
I don’t know if this will help you, but I think that’s pretty normal. I felt similarly at your age in some ways and in other ways I felt like a baby, depending on how I looked at things. I still feel that way and I’m twice your age! It’s weird. Growing up is weird. I feel for you. 💖
Thank you :3
Zoop ( ) 1•11 months agoOf course! :)
SRo ( ) 12•11 months agoThey always sucked
Tamlyn ( ) 12•11 months agoThe short answer is, because they make money.
chameleon ( ) 12•11 months agoIf you’re a gamedev trying to make a decent mobile game, you’re competing on all the usual fronts like price and perceived quality, but competing for attention has gotten a whole lot harder when [arbitrary card game] has a hour of dailies, [arbitrary gacha game] always has a special campaign going and [arbitrary fake gambling game] is about to have its battle pass end and they’re only halfway through. And that has gone up by so, so much over the past decade. It was never good but it’s gotten absolutely egregious. At this point, even any generic snake clone will have a battle pass.
Every person that ends up committed to a couple of those long-term-commitment games ends up having much less time for other games. And they make a lot of money, which means they also end up having a hell of a marketing budget.
Wahots ( ) 12•11 months agoWhales spend tens of thousands of dollars on p2w bullshit. It’s all unregulated gambling.
noob_dragon ( ) 12•11 months agoProbably the only good mobile games are ports of console/pc games. There are some surprising ports, like the KOTOR games, medieval 2 total war, and lots of square enix’s older catalogue. Fortnite, genshin impact, and pubg are probably the biggest games on mobile right now. But yeah nothing really worth going out of your way for, or even bother with at all, if you already have a gaming pc or steam deck.
Maayybee the only real usecase is if you are going backpacking and want to bring some games into the backcountry with you without lugging a steam deck along lol. Digital board games like Root and Wingspan would work well there and have pass around modes if you are with friends. Just remember to bring a battery bank with you, or a portable solar cell.
skulblaka ( ) 4•11 months agoI truly don’t understand how people are playing games like Fortnite or Genshin on a phone and enjoying themselves. That’s probably the single worst possible interface to play the game on, that’s like showing up to a counterstrike tournament with a racing wheel. I can’t even play Minecraft on my phone without getting extremely quickly frustrated and Minecraft doesn’t give half a shit about your reaction time or accuracy most of the time. If you want me to play an FPS on a touch screen I’m just gonna take the L and save myself the trouble, it’s not happening.
apotheotic (she/her) ( ) English11•11 months agoThe Pathless is pretty awesome
Sky: Children of the Light is splendid
Horn is pretty neat but I guess its 12 years old now
Baba is You isn’t originally a mobile game but it has a native version which is pretty excellent
To answer your question, its as others have mentioned: catching a whale is more lucrative than appealing to the average consumer. The entire micro transactions industry (which mobile gaming is built upon and makes it the most profitable portion of the gaming industry by a mile) is all about milking your customers for everything they have without them realising it. Why did we reach this point? Unregulated capitalism, probably.
Druid ( ) English10•11 months agoEnshittification, the rise of micro transactions in mobile games over actual in-game mechanics that make the game interesting etc
Trust capitalism to ruin everything