•  bstix   ( @bstix@feddit.dk ) 
    5 months ago

    The top poster’s wife is correct. Electronegativity is the key. It seems kind of intuitive, but very difficult to explain.

    One definition is that metals can conduct electricity - as in exchanging electrons.

    The periodic table is two dimensional. The vertical axis or rows tells how many shells or layers or orbits of electrons an atom has. As we go downwards in the table the exchangeable electrons are positioned further away from the protons, so the electrons are less attached and more likely to be exchanged by close proximity of other atoms.

    The horizontal axis is the number of electrons in the outermost orbit. The rightmost ones have full outer orbits and don’t have vacancies to exchange electrons, but as we go left, the atoms are more and more short of electrons to fulfil the outermost orbit = electronegativity= missing some electrons.

    Combining this shows that the atoms most likely to exchange electrons are in the bottom left corner of the table, which is also the previously mentioned definition of metals.

    Someone else pointed out that the actual distribution of atoms is very much not metallic. In the entire universe there is 73% hydrogen, 25% helium and only 2% of everything else including all metals. Even on a planet consisting of “everything else” very much, it’s still rare to come by metals, hence their value.

    The reason why metals take up so much space on the period table is simply that metals have a lot of different configurations which need to be described because they are different from each other.

  • I mean… What kind of answer are you expecting? We can’t know why the universe is how it is, we can just observe that it is like that.

    I mean why is the speed of light that specific value and not faster or slower? It just… is.

    Your question is more philosophical than physical.

      • I’m not sure what in my answer ticked you off but I wasn’t trying to be demeaning or anything. The question boils down to asking why the physical laws are what they are and this is not a question that really has a scientific answer. Perhaps a philosophical or religious answer, but then the answer varies from person to person.

        •  ulkesh   ( @ulkesh@beehaw.org ) 
          45 months ago

          Some people don’t like to read, and/or don’t like truth and facts spoken/written to them. So they take offense to logic and reason, which is what you had in your answer.

        • It does have a scientific answer, as has been shown in other comments in this thread.

          If I ask “why are north Koreans shorter than south Koreans on average?” and someone responds with a wall of text explaining how it’s just how it is and that’s just life, they might as well have said nothing. “Why” questions usually have an answer, even if you don’t know it, leave it to those that do and continue lurking.

  • Keep in mind our categories are pretty arbitrary. We have stuff like semimetals and so on. All bonding has multiple characteristics outside of extremes, e.g. covalent bonds with dipole character.

    Metals are just our name for the broad category of bonding between extremes at conditions we usually find on earth where we live. They are soft squashy bonds that are kinda slutty because they’re just sort of average.

    Actually within the metals we see some pretty different characteristics, especially with D orbital chemistry stuff but because of inertia we just keep these things all in the same category of metals because shiny squishy was a lot more obvious than fucky wucky complexing when people named them.

  • I think that we have a perception bias towards things that interest us.

    Since the elements in the top-right corner (C, O, N, P, S, Si, Fe, Al, Na, …) are interesting to us, that’s what we typically look at. And in that region, things are fairly balanced. It’s only in the regions where we don’t typically look, where we said “let’s just make it all metal so the categorization is done, call it a day, and move on”. I think.