• Not counting the time a lady popped her clutch pulling out of her driveway and hit me, since I guess that’s not “almost” an accident, probably the time I got caught out by a snowstorm, and on the way home I did a 360 on the freeway before regaining control. Thankfully there was no one else around, so it didn’t hurt anything other than my pride.

  • I was driving on a medium sized road this winter, my first winter with a car and a driving license…

    There was plenty of snow, and I had excellent winter tires with studs.

    I drove through a bend in the road and as I exited the bend I saw a huge Volvo merging into the oncomming lane, and I got pissed as I saw what I though was the driver joyriding as he swerved all over.

    I had exited the bend going 50-60kmh, this road has a speed limit of 70, but I took it slow as it was slippery.

    Anyway, the huge Volvo XC90 was swerving all over the place and even into my lane, but somehow the Volvo driver managed to get back into his lane mere centimeters from my Seat Leon hatchback, and I saw in my mirrors that he swerved back into my lane and hit a snowbank hard enough to spray some snow.

    I didn’t panic and slam on my breaks during this encounter, if I had I would have lost control and had my own crash.

    I was in shock though so I just kept driving to collect my thoughts, this was in the middle of the day and there were plenty of other cars on the road so I knew others would check on the guy, but after a few kms I realized that I had to go back and check on the guy myself, while I wasn’t involved, it felt like the right thing to do.

    So I turned back at a roundabout and when I got to the spot I saw that the guy had managed to get his car out of the snow bank snd park it on the other side of the road, I saw no dammage and the driver was talking on his mobile phone, so he seemed alright, so I just went home.

    This next happened this last weekend, I was driving my car on a heavily trafficed road, I had my mom in my car as we were out getting a birthday present for my dad.

    The road was just a normal 70kmh road with one lane in each direction with no barrier, but at this specific spot had very large shoulders.

    Anyway, me and my mom was talking and in the middle of a sentence I see another huge Volvo in the oncomming traffic starting an overtake into my lane, I swore, quickly braked and got on to the shoulder, flashed my light and honked my horn at the guy.

    Final story.

    Dad was driving with me in the passenger seat, it was a late summers night in August, we were on the backroads between Uppsala and Stockholm.

    It was a dark August night, there was an oncomming car, we were probably going 60-70kmh, I was half asleep, when suddenly my dad jerked the steering wheel and got into the oncomming lane, then quickly got back into our lane. This was due to a moose deciding that crossing the road is best done when there are cars from both directions passing.

  • I hydroplaned for over a half mile on a straight section of highway doing 100kph. Thought I was going to die, but somehow the car got traction again just before I went off the road. I had 4 friends in the car who all slept through the whole thing.

  • To the point where you hear a loud bang and some damage appears here or there.

    Was lost on the airfield trying to pick up some friends. Borrowed a van, so it wasn’t my car, I was lost and I was tired.

    Then I fucked up and made a U-turn without looking and hit another car on the side. Nobody got hurt, but there was some damage.

    Exchanged information and we each went on our way. Learned a valuable lesson that day.

  • I was coming round a bend about a day after it had rained, turns out there was a pothole under a tree that still had water in it. I clipped the water and the back end of my car started to slide out but I fishtailed for a bit till I regained control of the car without ever touching the grass on either side of the road. I’m really lucky there wasn’t any oncoming traffic because one of my neighbours died in a similar situation a year later.

  • So not sure if this counts, but a few slow-moving vehicles were oiling the roads with an oil hose one day in a place I used to live.

    And naive me thought it was a parade, complete with random things like truck trucks that just happened to be there.

    It was hot, and I thought it was a water hose, and often at parades they might use the sprayer for fun, so me, who doesn’t know what she’s thinking at this point, tries to pursue the hose truck at the other end of the bend and maybe ask to get sprayed. Right as I’m approaching it, though, I’m positioned in such a way that, when the slow-moving traffic suddenly became fast again, I almost get run over, only to be saved by my own bad luck.

    The heat really got to me that day.