Source: RedfieldWilton@twitter

Labour are more trusted than the Conservatives on EVERY policy issue prompted.

Which party do voters trust most on…?

(Lab | Con)

NHS (42% | 17%) Education (39% | 20%) Economy (38% | 23%) Immigration (33% | 21%) 🇺🇦 (31% | 24%)

  •  Baggins   ( ) 
    84 months ago

    I’m surprised that confidence in the tories is still into two figures. They have shown that they have utter contempt for the general population and have been deliberately salting the Earth because they know they’ll not win another election.

    When Labour haven’t fixed things within six months they’ll be beating about how terrible they are and we should have given them another chance.

    If we vote them back on we deserve every crappy thing that happens to us.

    Our children and their descendants will never forgive us.

  •  Nighed   ( ) 
    4 months ago

    It would be good to know the actual questions asked, it’s suspicious how low green/libdems/reform are in almost everything.

    Shouldn’t a question like this have a neutral midpoint with trust/distrust on either side? This looks like it’s penalising parties people are less aware of the policies of.

    Edit: oh, it’s the bit at the top “which party would you trust most to:”

    Naff question really what was the point of including the smaller parties there? Should have just been the main parties for that question or a graded version with all parties.

    • That’d be the same Green Party who oppose nuclear energy, whose local politicians oppose solar farms due to NIMBY issues, who opposed HS2…

      They talk a good talk, and they’ve got the branding down, but their actual track record on genuine environmental policies is pretty blotchy.