•  Echo Dot   ( @echodot@feddit.uk ) 
      144 months ago

      The people who say that sort of thing heard someone else say it once and just parrot it. When you try and delve deeper into their political philosophy you realize that there’s nothing under the surface.

      My Brother-In-Law is like this, What he knows about the political situation of this country wouldn’t fill the back of a postage stamp. Yet he’s perfectly comfortable telling me how all political parties are the same.

      • Sometimes i find people will also use it as a ‘discussion shut down’ when they don’t want to get pulled into a larger conversation about politics.

        They have their reasons, like knowing they have little knowledge on the subject, or knowing the person they’re talking to and not wishing to engage with them too heavily (i may be guilty of employing this tactic at times).

        •  Echo Dot   ( @echodot@feddit.uk ) 
          4 months ago

          They espouse a political opinion in order to not engage in a political-based conversation?

          How does that work.

          No they just have a stupid political opinion which is based on the intellect of a concussed goldfish.

          • While i find your derogatory comments about concussed goldfish disappointingly predictable, the point is by saying ‘both sides are the same’ or ‘both are as bad as the other’ isn’t really a political opinion.

            Its a statement that withdraws from engaging in the differences in party positions on specific subject or policy positions by broad brushing them as the same.

            For instance, a flounder might say to a butterfly fish, that, goldfish (concussed or not), are all the same, just to stop talking to the butterfly fish and get out of its reef! :)

            •  Echo Dot   ( @echodot@feddit.uk ) 
              24 months ago

              But you see, they came into the forum. I’m talking about people that come in and go “I think they’re all the same”.

              They come to me with that opinion. You don’t think I’m engaging random people on the street in political discourse do you?

              • Look random people on the street might find it a fun interlude to their day :) I know you weren’t completely though due to the personal example you referred to a couple comments back.

                However, you didn’t specify a method, said brother-in-law enters into the political discussions. From an outsider’s perspective, (me), there was no indication.


                will also

                I used these words in my first reply, not to deny your experience, but to add to it. The general nature of the word,


                in that part of your comment followed by an absolute statement spurred my entry. I think it’s important to highlight varied reasons people have for doing the same things.

                You spoke in one part of the comment generally, the other part specifically. My reply attempted to accept your specific experience, while engaging in the general discussion indicated about ‘general people’ happening alongside it.

  • Another unfunded pledge from the Conservatives. What do we want? Housing! What will we get? Conscription!

    David Cameron already did this anyway with the voluntary National Citizen Service. He also promised to eventually make it involuntary but never did, presumably because it was unworkable, expensive or both. So, what has changed to make it workable or inexpensive?

    • I quite often think about Cameron’s ‘Big Society’, and how the continual underfunding of public services over the past 14 years has led us to a place where we’re essentially there anyway.

  •  jabjoe   ( @jabjoe@feddit.uk ) 
    134 months ago

    Ah yes, that will make new Torys. Boot camp. Break their will to make them into good/conservative citizens. Don’t see that working… though I can see old voters (who didn’t actually do it either) might think that.

  •  HumanPenguin   ( @HumanPenguin@feddit.uk ) 
    4 months ago

    We funked up the NHS Policing and local services. By cutting funding to the bone. While refusing to invest.

    But thats OK. We will use 25 days of teenage slavery to fix a bit of it.

    Or you can learn to kill people ready for our next oil war.

    Of course we will concentrate on selling how beneficial it is to the youth. While helpfully forgetting to mention. You can all already choose to do this shit. All we are adding is a mandatory requirement. So slavery to achive our own goals. And make some old folks vote for us.

    Basically another culture war using folks who won’t vote tory to convince folks with nothing to lose to vote tory.

      •  ladel   ( @ladel@feddit.uk ) 
        34 months ago

        Old people often have grandkids, though. Sure, there will be some that will think that it will do them good, but surely some others will not like the idea of their grandkids having to give up a year of their life.

        •  Flax   ( @Flax_vert@feddit.uk ) 
          4 months ago

          I don’t think it’s wasting a year of life- you’ll learn important skills surely. There’s something about it not being compulsory either. So it’s basically a volunteering program. Some people at that age still don’t know what to do with their life, so it could be helpful

              • The sceme is mandatory. Military service is an option. But you must spend 25 days doing one of the options.

                Of course the options are NHS Policing or mental health. All things tories have screwed.

                So using teens as slave labour to look like they are fixing their own screw ups. Would be a fair description.

    • Worse. He is using people who would be very unlikely to vote tory. The youth.

      As slaves to convince old folks who have lost faith to vote tory.

      Just like he is fucking the disabled its another culture war attacking those who refuse to support him.