Whatcha all been playing!

I’ve been playing a lot of slay the spire, finally got a heart win with ironclad, leaving only the watcher without one. Also finished the true ending for animal well which was a blast!

  • Decided to go back to Dwarf Fortress after a long while, I’ve been basically re-learning the game and trying some !!fun!! stuff I’ve never done before. Funnily enough I think I just built my most successful fortress, outside of a really nasty tavern fight that resulted in the death of two children, one dwarf and their cat (the drunkard literally grabbed the poor sod by the tail and smashed it into a statue to death LOL), everything went rather smoothly. Lots of forgotten beasts passing through the caves, one got in while I wasn’t looking (lol) but was dispatched easily without casualties.

    Thinking about building a fort on a volcano next, see if I can do some crazy magma wizardry.

  • I finished Arthur’s act for We Happy Few, and now I kind of remember why I stopped playing the first time. Just finishing the first act feels like a complete game in itself, and it definitely takes up enough time to be a complete game, especially with how large the map is and with as many side quests as there are. It feels rather daunting to start all over again from scratch as Sally. I thought about playing another game before starting Sally’s story, but I’m afraid that I’ll do the same thing I did last time and end up not finishing it again.

  • Put a shocking amount of time into Unicorn Overlord last week.

    I think they executed the cross between Fire Emblem and Ogre Battle very well. Squad composition makes up for the lack of individual customization that is typical of the FE lineage of strategy RPGs (as opposed to the FFT/Tactics Ogre line). The overworld management is a fun exploration side activity that isn’t as time-consuming as Three Houses’s social stuff. Basiscape brought its usual excellent soundtrack, and Vanillaware their usual impressively detailed art. Plot is whatever, I don’t play these games for the plot, I play them to make anime sprites stab each other so numbers go up. So, yeah, it’s fun.

    (No, I don’t actually like Disgaea that much, mostly because “figuring out how to break the game is the game” doesn’t appeal to me.)

  •  frog 🐸   ( @frog@beehaw.org ) 
    21 month ago

    I am between games at the moment. Having finished university until September, I have a wide open summer, and a huge list of games… and am thus suffering from choice overload, not certain what I want to play.

  • I’ve been getting back into anarchy Minecraft as an old buddy of mine is kinda resurrecting a base I used to be active at.

    The scene is mostly dead, on our main server it’s 2 to 4 players on average which is crazy to me. It used to be from 50 to 100 most evenings.

    Now I’ve got a 2 million blocks trip to make, even auto walking on the nether roof that’s gonna take some time. But it’s also an occasion to revisit some historic milestones along the way! I was able to get my hands on one signed book a friend had given me some time before passing away so it’s also kind of an emotional journey.

  • Manor Lords all the way. There’s a big Cities Skylines II patch coming out this week (I hope). I might fire it up and check it out. It’s getting close to “release quality” after pretty crappy release.

  • I got randomly recommend “Kena: Bridge of Spirits” recently by Steam and decided to go for it. I just finished the story and it was definitely a good recommendation. Hard enough to make me work for it, which I always like. It is kinda short though, finished it in like 12 hours. It’s a bit janky at times with the camera and jumping, but overall a great experience.