In a poll on hexbear (see link), it was observed that there are very few cis women on Lemmy. I think this is the intersection of several problems:

  • engagement of women on Reddit was always low
  • fewer women in computer science
  • I’m hesitant to recommend anything fediversy to people who don’t tinker with computers like I do and thus might need a more handholdy UX.

I gather that transgender people tend to be more into CS, though I don’t see why that explains entirely such an astonishing presence of the transgender community on Hexbear.

Anyway, I just thought I’d open the floor to brainstorming.

  •  gregorum   ( ) 
    30 days ago

    i don’t think hexbear is a good sample group for the average lemmy user nor representative of lemmy users a whole. you might do better sampling, or assembling a meta poll from the top 5 or top 10 instances.

  • You don’t try and attract a specific demographic. You just create the space you want and if they also value that space you they will choose to participate. It’s not 2005 there are women on the internet everywhere. Lemmy has a lot of women compared to reddit and mastodon has a decent women userbase as well it feels.

    Hexbear is a bad representation of lemmy ignore their demographic polls.

    As for actionable steps I think we are doing a good enough job already. The communities here are not toxic. The users are mature and call out sexist stuff when it happens. The only thing we could probably do is host more content that women typically tend to enjoy but that will come with growth of the site and is better done organically.

  • Here’s the problem. This is the internet.

    These are locally run and often volunteer based instances.

    Anyone can spawn any amount of accounts and run their instance however they’d like, giving lots of trolls neat little nooks to hide in.

    You’re expecting to get real results? How did you account for multiple votes? How are you even sure that the data from the polls if unique, is accurate?

    Garbage in. Garbage out. People will use Lemmy if they want to. End of story. Idk why everyone is so obsessed with inflating user counts

  • I think I would swap all usage of “Lemmy” for “Hexbear” in the OP as that instance is not an accurate representation of the whole of Lemmy. Perhaps choosing one of the general Lemmy instances would give a more accurate representation.

  •  Elise   ( ) 
    29 days ago

    There was another poll that showed that there were virtually no transmen here. Would be interesting if someone researched that.

    I think the trans community tends towards privacy oriented tools due to the political climate.

    Let me tell you one of the reasons that I’m here. When I was eight I got a pc on my birthday. My sister was on that thing for two weeks using dos and acing grand prix motor. She was given a baby doll which could cry and eat and pee. That goes to show how deeply ingrained these norms are in our culture. How would my sister ever have a chance without a pc? She received the message and didn’t touch it again.

    Another thing I can bring to the table is that I had game history and we learned that marketing of games used to be to boys and girls. And in the 80s or so it was figured out that marketing only to one gender group is more successful. That’s when games started focusing solely on boys.

    Further, all the game authors were men, which further cements it.

    For example I’ve been playing Oblivion lately and it’s almost impossible to find some proper pants. Any pants that I pick up magically transform into skirts and dresses: 1000011965

    Make of that what you will.

    • I like to believe we can reach a world where those things don’t matter anymore. But I’m just pointing out that right now there’s deficit of AFAB people here. I’m not saying it’s necessarily the fault of the open source community, but I would like to understand why exactly this has occurred. Is that wrong?