Not an official announcement, but it’s probably safe to assume an Xbox handheld is in development.

  • I could only see this working if it came with 6 free months of GamePass, or if it was some kind of loss leader to sell games on their store.

    Unless it’s as easy to install games from the other stores, why would you otherwise pay to live in a tiny, walled garden?

  • If they can’t pull this off as an ARM device and recompile all the games to run on it, then don’t bother.

    There’s nothing they can really bring to this that the Steam Deck hasn’t already done better.

    • Sometimes its not just about selling enough to justify creation of new device. Sometimes its the potential that they have in mind. The prices are quite high, so they probably make some bucks out of it while it is hot. Soon the market on PC gaming handhelds will be saturated. Then they need to innovate and create something outstanding in whatever way. At least this is what the optimist in me thinks.

      • Then they need to innovate and create something outstanding…

        There’s the snag. Anything they innovate or create that’s outstanding will 100% be anti-consumer. That, or their version of innovation will be forcing an update to your system that pretty much brick it to ensure you buy a newer model (at least for countries that don’t have strong pro-consumer laws). I can count the number of companies on a single hand that I would trust not to do that.

  • If Microsoft stuck with what it already does, it would be better. They already have cloud streaming technology which makes playing games on their ecosystem possible on any screen. Having a separate handheld console would complicate things. I just don’t see the appeal.

  • I would absolutely buy one of these and I’ve been wishing for something like this for years. I do most of my gaming on Xbox these days, and it would be great to be able to play in bed. I don’t even care if it runs Windows or just an Xbox OS.

    I do have a Steam Deck, but some games are too much effort to setup and troubleshoot. I want to hit one button and have a guarantee that the game will work, like the Switch.

  • This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Speaking on stage as part of an IGN Live interview, Spencer said directly that “I think we should have a handheld, too.”

    The comment stops just short of an official announcement that Microsoft is actively working on portable gaming hardware for the first time.

    “The future for us in hardware is pretty awesome,” Spencer continued during the IGN presentation.

    Comments like these are a big change from internal Microsoft documents that leaked last September, which listed an Xbox portable as a “current gap in FY23” that is “not in scope for 1st party” (alongside potential products like a mobile controller, earbuds, and a media remote).

    But Spencer was quick to call that leak “outdated” at the time, so it might not be the last word on Microsoft’s portable gaming plans.

    That feels like ancient history, though, in a world where everyone and their corporate subsidiary is looking to draft off the market success of the Steam Deck.

    The original article contains 386 words, the summary contains 157 words. Saved 59%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!