Sure, “nice” needs some definition.

But that’s your call. I’m asking you if you are a nice person.

  • I can be. The other day, I was driving on a 70mph road and the lead car two in front hit a young deer. She had tried her best to avoid it but there was nothing she could do.

    She pulled over with her signals flashing and as I went past I realised no one was going to stop, and then I had the thought of that happening to my wife, who is a vegetarian and would have been in bits, so I pulled over and ran back to check on her.

    She was crying and shaking, I asked her to drop the window a bit and if she was ok. I told her it wasn’t her fault and she should take as long as needed before driving, and that I would be in my car if needed.

    I had my lunch and her husband soon arrived, coming to thank me, which I wasn’t expecting. They were very nice and it was very sad and I was slightly emotional. They left eventually and I carried on with my day.

    I can be grumpy as fuck, though.

  • Depends. I default to being friendly, but I’m not good at it. I’m a terrible conversationalist, and what is logical to me (from my perspective) often gets misconstrued as being an asshole. It’s never my intention, but I’m awful at reading people too. I just never really took the time to learn how to… people.

  •  Glide   ( ) 
    19 days ago

    I take “nice” to mean something very different than “good” or “kind”. No, I am not a nice person. I am inclined to be an honest asshole over a nice liar. I try my best to be good, kind, understanding, etc., but “nice” is, in my books, more about manners than good acts or genuine understanding. And I generally feel that time and effort spent on attempting to be “nice” is much better spent on genuinely empathizing with and supporting people, even when that support isn’t kind or well-mannered at a glance.

    I think I just take issue with the word “nice”.

  • No… In my defence…

    “Nice people made the best Nazis. My mom grew up next to them. They got along, refused to make waves, looked the other way when things got ugly and focused on happier things than “politics.” They were lovely people who turned their heads as their neighbors were dragged away. You know who weren’t nice people? Resisters.”– Naomi Shulman

  • Hopefully, most of the time. I feel like I’m generally friendly and helpful, and compared to many people around me I feel like I don’t let myself get to carried away with anger or frustration. I’m not too good at showing it though. Due to autism I feel like there’s a bit of a difference between how society expects people to show friendliness and how I do it. I’m quite reserved and I usually don’t randomly show up or give gifts or something. I generally don’t care about my own birthday and such, and therefore I’ll also not think about those things for others. I try to detect when it does matter to people, and think of something to do or give, but honestly these expectations really stress me out.

    I can definitely be a bit of an asshole sometimes though. I don’t like people talking nonsense. In places where it matters, like work, want direct communication, with as little weaseling around as possible. No big words, no politics. So I will be that person that asks the “rude” and difficult question if it’s necessary. I’m also quite stubborn, and require strong argumentation to actually be convinced of something. I’ve become more aware of this, so I tend to think twice nowadays to ensure that I’m really fighting a fight worth fighting and don’t let myself get carried away too much with debating minor things.

  • Absolutely not. I’m rude to people (just check my post history) and often passive aggressive. I have little patience for people and am often not in a good mood. I don’t help people much and don’t get any pleasure out of it. To me, there is always a 50/50 chance the next person I see/meet may try and hurt or kill me at any moment so I am always on the lookout.

    So far, so good. But no, I would never classify me as a good person by any metric.