• I’m all digital. Don’t have to worry about where my notebook is, my tasks and calendar are available through my phone, tablet, computer. And I get reminded on time sensitive things. I can make templates for repeating tasks like my vacation checklist. I’m reminded on birthdays that are coming up so I have time for presents. I never feel like I’m forgetting anything. It’s perfect for how my brain works.

    • This has been my experience as well. I went through a few years of taking and enjoying paper notes, but at a certain point I realized that without the ability to search my notes, I’m not getting as much value as I could otherwise. That with the addition of digital being more conveniently always with me has led me there.

      That being said, there are so many options with apps and systems for digital management that the simplicity of just grabbing a piece of paper and writing still sounds enticing sometimes, haha.

  • Tasks are one of the few things i still do on paper, to me it’s like reading a book; ya just cant beat the feeling of paper; also you can’t just close the app; it will remain hanged on the wall, judging you from afar

  • Paper, simply because out of sight out of mind.

    I do a grid, Top left due today

    top right running list of additional things

    bottom left shit thats due but not urgent

    bottom right long term projects, stuff in progress that takes time

    Brain is dumb so as i write out the list i cross stuff off, even if I just did it (train your brain to get that delicious sense of accomplishment)

    If I have, say, a binder with cover that doesn’t work…needs to be visible. Brain is dumb.

  •  neidu2   ( @neidu2@feddit.nl ) 
    4 months ago


    Checklists are on my phone, as it automatically hides checked items, making the remaining items easier to see.

    Procedural lists, such as a task list with items that have to be done in order often go on paper, such as when I’m traveling: each line has flight number, time, from-to, and booking references.

    Calendars go on both, as loads of household planning has to take my work schedule into account. The consolidated one that contains everything that has been finalized so far hangs in the kitchen, while the things that are subject to change as on phones/laptops

  • Oh man, I would happily pay someone lots of money to sort out my digital mess.

    Like, I run a business where I do different types of work for multiple properties, some of which is one side of the business, some the other. Some is indoor work at one rate, some is outdoor at another. Some of it is purchases, some is hours etc etc

    Fuck me I’d love to find an app that could keep track of all this shit and put it all in one place, from Android where I note it down, to Windows where I do my invoices

    It just doesn’t exist :(

  •  oxjox   ( @oxjox@lemmy.ml ) 
    24 months ago

    I generally put short term things on index cards and long term things on digital. Or I just note something down with whatever’s most accessible at the time.

    So, for work, I have a long list of tasks in Microsoft Planner I should get done in the mid-term and long-term. If someone asks me to get something done asap, I put that on paper. I’m really bad at getting things done on the digital list but I’m trying to get better at it.

    Chores and groceries go on the white board on my fridge. Then I transcribe them to index cards if I need to remember them out of the house.

    I try to keep a pad with me when I’m out of the house to note things down. I use a tiny little Fisher Space Pen which easily fits in my pocket.

    My problem with digital is that it’s too easy to forget about. When I mark things down on paper, specifically index cards, they start to stack up and I feel motivated to reduce the clutter they create. Throwing out ten index cards because I got shit done feels good.

  • I prefer digital, but everything’s a mess. Within digital, compared to notes/calendars/reminders, sending emails to myself is the most effective for me since I end up cleaning my inbox quite regularly and to clean I delete useless stuff, archive dealt with stuff, and pending stuff remains in my inbox. Rent payments for example will be an alarm, calendar with reminder, and email to all my accounts and my wife’s. Whenever I do write, it’s for a specific task and much better implemented.