Some supporters of Joe Biden have been accused of being “Blue MAGA” for their staunch defense of the president in the wake of the CNN debate.

While there is no official definition for the term, Blue MAGA has been used to describe those who are fierce advocates of the so-called “vote blue no matter who” initiative and are not willing to criticize Democrats in any way.

The term has reemerged on social media in the wake of 81-year-old Biden’s languishing and stumbling debate performance against Donald Trump on June 27. This has led to many, including Democrat figures, calling on Biden to end his 2024 campaign in order to allow a new candidate to face-off against 78-year-old Trump in November.

  • “vote blue no matter who” initiative and are not willing to criticize Democrats in any way.

    Wow has the press gone downhill. Maybe they aren’t paid enough to care, but that piece ain’t worth a dime. Allow me to rewrite this article to what it SHOULD have reported if there was any interest in informing the public:

    While the Democratic party has historically been known for being far more willing to criticize its own members and polices when compared to Republicans’ willingness to do the same, there is an emerging group of Democrats that no longer do so. They are being called the Blue Maga.

    Unlike citizens who will “vote blue no matter who” because they fear another Trump presidency will be the death knell for the United States, the Blue Maga contingent insists that not only must one vote that way, but that all Democratic policies, people, and decisions go unquestioned. It is notable because it is the same sort of reflexive obeisance that they condemn in Trump supporters.

    •  davel [he/him]   ( ) 
      2 months ago

      Some oligarchs are trying to remove Biden, some oligarchs are trying to retain him, and we have virtually no say in the matter, so there’s no point in getting invested in this inter-oligarch drama.

      • I won’t disagree with this but DNC handlers and their “journalist” lackeys are spamming my feed bro…

        Any discussion off pre-approved script gets you ban hammer in politics and news subs.

        Pretty much same dynamics as reddit. These parasites are every where.