NOAA also collects and analyzes key climate data

  •  floofloof   ( ) 
    2 months ago

    It’s never clear whether they’re more corrupt or more stupid. But they’re determined to bury their heads in the sand over the most important issue ever to face humanity, and dismantle the resources the USA has to mitigate the disaster. Corrupt and stupid and delusional.

    • Don’t worry, they’re also doing that by taking down storm sirens and replacing them with mobile alerts because basic maintenance is too much to ask. They just assume everyone has access to a phone at all times and that said phone is charged and capable of receiving the alert. Y’know, because the young and elderly don’t deserve to be warned of an incoming tornado!

  •  memfree   ( ) 
    102 months ago

    It further notes that scientific agencies such as NOAA are “vulnerable to obstructionism of an Administration’s aims,” so appointees should be screened to ensure that their views are “wholly in sync” with the president’s.

    do we want flood-risk predictions sponsored by a flood-insurance company, or heat advisories from an air-conditioning conglomerate?

    The agency is home to one of the most significant repositories of climate data on Earth, which includes information on shifting atmospheric conditions and the health of coastal fisheries, plus hundreds of thousands of years’ worth of ice-core and tree-ring data.

    Eliminating or privatizing climate information won’t eliminate the effects of climate change. It will only make them more deadly.

    It sounds like the counter to this is to point out to voters that they don’t really want to pay more for fish because fishermen can’t get data, and we don’t want planes to be even less reliable AND cost more because the government stops tracking upper level wind speeds, and that, generally, we want people who get a salary for doing accurate work rather than people who get paid to say whatever the bossman want to hear. Ask them to imagine how it would work if Google, NBC, Amazon, and Fox each sunk the money for trying to replicate the existing infrastructure and then sold pieces of it to paying customers – such as Allstate, CBS, and Delta Airlines. Everyone else would have to HOPE they were getting complete data and have to wonder what was missing. Noticing record highs and lows would become proprietary and forbidden from broadcast in a way akin to being disallowed from referencing “The Superbowl” unless you pay for a license. How’s any of that going to work?