• Especially since there was nothing chaotic about the video. The officer got annoyed at something the victim said from the other room, announced to his victim that he would murder her, and then murdered her as she was trying to diffuse the situation with an apology. It was cold blooded. No quick movements, no panic, just an officer stating they would commit murder and then committing murder in cold blood on camera.

  •  jerkface   ( @jerkface@lemmy.ca ) 
    2 months ago

    The police exist to serve the state against the interests of the citizens of that state. They are the only people who are empowered to do unwanted violence within the physical bounds of a state, and they do violence to protect the interests of the state, not to protect the citizens.

    The difference between the state’s interests and those of its citizens are not small. The police are not here to help us. That is incidental to their purpose, which is to hurt us. Sending the police to help someone in emotional distress is absolutely absurd.

  • So I never really got into the Watchmen show that aired for a season on Amazon. Bear with me; I’m going somewhere with this…

    If anyone remembers that show, there are two scenes that always stuck with me. One was of course the Tulsa massacre. I had never heard of it and it was just chilling to me. That’s a whole other discussion, but it’s not the scene that directly applies here.

    The other scene is (IIRC) literally the first scene of the show, where the cop is at a traffic stop, he gets the persons information and goes back to his car to run it. It comes out that there’s something sketchy about the guy (I don’t remember what), and he has to call in to a civilian observer explaining the situation and asking them to unlock his gun if they decide that it’s warranted…

    Anyway, that idea (regardless of how feasible it may or may not be in reality) has been literally burned into my brain from two minutes of a show that I remember literally nothing else about.