Pretty interesting find. (Not completely sure if this is the right community for this- let me know if you know where else it would be a good fit!)

  • They aren’t the only ones. Beavers do too! So does the Giant Pacific chiton (world’s largest chiton, a type of mollusk).

    Pretty useful for animals that have to scrape food off rocks or continually gnaw through something.

    I guess Komodo dragons need those teeth to last, whereas sharks are just like “I got a million of these things.”

    • I didn’t know that either about beavers. Or chitons. But I already knew about mollusks doing crazy things with iron, like that armor plated snail.

      I’m surprised Komodo dragons need their teeth to last, reptiles afaik replace their teeth indefinitely

      • I just looked it up and apparently the iron is just to enhance the cutting surface. They do have teeth that replaced themselves indefinitely as well.

        With beavers, the enamel is iron enhanced so it’s stronger than the dentine behind. They wear unevenly, the back wearing down more easily than the front, which keeps the teeth sharp. They’re incisors continue to grow indefinitely, but they don’t get replacements if they lose one.

  • I’ve got some thoughts that kick up on reading this.

    a) Does anyone have some solid reading on this family of lizards?

    b) I know a bit about Komodo dragons. I know they tend to eat the dead, and it’s believed they gained their title due to looking like dragons and inflicting deadly toxic bites. It was later analyzed (although this is all from memory) that it wasn’t as if they had actual poison in their mouths, but instead just carried bacterial that would infect the wounds.

    c) In reading up (wiki) on their hunting habits (shred and stalk) it actually does sound more akin to some of the smaller Saurischian hunting habits. As I remember reading about some would slash vulnerable parts of their prey and then stalk them until they succumbed to their wounds. But it’s also my understanding that T-Rex had bulbous teeth over these sort of curved like teeth. And acted as a guillotine crushing their prey bones and all over inflicting razor like damage. So I think the article (at least to my understanding) is off the mark there with its comparison.

      •  cashmaggot   ( ) 
        2 months ago

        Absolutely no worries, I am really not a stickler. And the Guardian has brought up some really interesting things as far as I know since reading it. I don’t really mind what anyone links. I was just wondering if anyone has some interesting reads on the subject. I recently found this blog with 5 mammalian-esq reptiles and it was an interesting read. I was just wondering if anyone had some interesting reads on Komodos because I just scrubbed the wiki and love reading stuff on this.

        p.s. - MOTHRA =D! I should have named myself Gidora. Hahaha! Jelly, like a donut!