Article details how reporter – pre-armed with relevant facts and cameras – confronts neoNazis in Tennessee. | Excerpts:

Members of the Goyim Defense League harassed people in the heart of Nashville’s entertainment district, berating a lesbian mom who had just left a restaurant.

Later, the neo-Nazis assaulted a bartender who had confronted the group.

“I’m curious: Why Nashville? Why did you guys choose Nashville?” I asked Minadeo.

A fellow GDL member, Nicholas Bysheim, quickly answered.

“It’s the only place that respects freedom of speech,” Bysheim said.

Minadeo added, “Yeah, this city respects freedom of speech, but communist Jews like yourself don’t.”

A Californian who moved to Florida, Minadeo leads the hate group as it goes around the country trying to create scenes that they hope will bring them attention and followers.

One of their favorite tropes: Falsely accusing Jews of being pedophiles.

Over and over, it became clear that these are people who are blind to any facts that don’t support their hate.

These are really pathetic human beings.

They are the only ones who seem not to know it.

  •  Ferrous   ( ) 
    602 months ago

    This journalist just gave us a masterclass in everything you shouldn’t do when interacting with nazis: appeals to logic, appeals to emotion, bringing up facts and logic, and ultimately platforming them. This is the kind of liberalism that promotes fascism. There is no excuse to give fascists time on TV and to platform them. There is no “debating” fascists. There is only violence.

  • The GDL’s founder — a failed rapper and actor named Jon Minadeo who recently moved to Florida after he was fired from a catering business in California owned by his parents — was himself arrested in Palm Beach in February for littering offenses involving the fliers

    From another article, lo fuckingl the dudes parents fired him!

  • Jon Minadeo II is also an indophobe, it seems. But little does this clown know that the Aryans that these neo-Nazis claim to be, used to live in modern-day Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and north India? The word ‘Arya’ means noble and honorable one, and this clown is neither of that.

    •  prole   ( ) 
      92 months ago

      The “Aryans” these clowns claim to be never actually existed, they’re some lame occult-adjacent bullshit cooked up by Himmler et. al. to sell the big lie.