I never bothered to ask and now i’m afraid of being outed as an old for asking.

    • a master at knowing what will make someone click on his videos

      Coincidentally also a master at knowing what will make me never click on them (yes it’s the horrifying face he makes)

    •  Otter   ( @otter@lemmy.ca ) 
      72 months ago

      On that note, there is this browser extension


      DeArrow is an open source browser extension for crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube. The goal is to make titles accurate and reduce sensationalism. No more arrows, ridiculous faces, and no more clickbait.

      It’s nice because it will affect all the videos equally. I didn’t want to use it initially because it was messing with my ability to remember which videos I had already seen. I might give it a try again since people keep changing video thumbnails now

    • To combine a bunch of explanations I’ve seen in the comments here:

      A bourgeois philanthropist game show producer who dabbles in poverty porn.

      That said, I do occasionally burn time watching some of his videos, however some of the content (especially the more recent game show ones which feel a bit like toying with people) rub me the wrong way.

      I have no idea if his philanthropy efforts are genuine or not - he’s barely visible in those videos (he has another individual hosting those videos) although I do appreciate the efforts they appear to go to when assisting communities desperately in need, and careful implementation of solutions that are sustainable, and can actually be maintained and fixed with local knowledge.

      I’ve seen way too many “gimmicky” charity contributions by other organizations that become worthless as soon as they break because nobody fixes them, as well as other solutions that seemingly make sense from a western cultural lens but aren’t really understood by the local people… worst one being a “merry-go-round” water pump mechanism where senior locals are forced to “play” just to pump water for survival. It was originally intended as a kids toy, but they of course don’t have any attachment to such a foreign device, thus don’t use it.

      Ehhh apologies for the mini rant there 😅

      • Edit: I didn’t see the hit piece / exposé that was made about him until now

        From what I know about him, he is a genuine person, and his projects are done to help people if possible.

        I know that many influencers profit off of suffering/kindness in a scummy way, but I believe that MrBeast is one of the few that actually try to do it ethically.

      • I feel the same way. The only videos I watch are the ones on the philanthropy channel and the ones where the core is giving away money or stuff (e.g. cars) to random people (or people in need).

        Though, I also question the sustainability of (some of) the philanthropy actions. Don’t get me wrong, giving water and light to people in the middle of nowhere is nice, but when they become dependent and they can’t fix it when it breaks, they could be screwed big time.

        The like five minutes I “researched” the “main” guy of the philanthropy channel (Derrick? Taran?) I came to the conclusion that he seems genuinely dedicated to trying helping people.

  •  Altima NEO   ( @altima_neo@lemmy.zip ) 
    2 months ago

    You’re not alone. For how immensely popular he is, I’ve yet to ever watch any of his videos, or even have YouTube recommend them to me.

    Only reason I know about him are a few videos from other channels, like the epic rap battles of history episode, and one that was criticizing his ghost kitchen. But I think the first time I heard about him was when every YouTuber was trying to jump on his hype when he was planting a ton of trees or something like that?

    •  bl4kers   ( @bl4kers@lemmy.ml ) 
      172 months ago

      I tried watching a video of his once because I was genuinely interested in the subject. There were so many jump cuts it was unwatchable. Now I know all YouTube videos for kids are like that

    • From what I hear he’s really not so objectionable and people enjoy his videos. I am yet to ever watch one though and that’s purely out of spite. Somehow YouTube seemed to try so hard to push this dude in particular that I decided to specifically not watch anything he was in, this meant avoiding his stuff and also anything from anyone else I actually like if I could tell from the thumbnail or description he was going to be in it. I just about managed it because I’ve never seen anything with him directly, but I have ended up seeing parodies of his videos so I now in spite of myself know what must usually be in them, and I’ve seen the famous video critiquing all the spin off food businesses he’s started up off the back of his famous name.

      He’s probably really not that bad, even if his obscene wealth is objectionable, but my contrarian nature just can’t abide all the hype and cheerleading. Hopefully when he finally stops being popular, I’ll have managed to miss everything he’s in and maintain my pointless personal record of dodging the beastly bullets.

    •  Cethin   ( @Cethin@lemmy.zip ) 
      42 months ago

      I also haven’t seen anything from him, but I’ve seen things that talk about him. My understanding is he’s a guy who makes outlandish videos, and some of that is “charity” (is it charity if you profit more off the video about it?) that got really popular. Other than that, I don’t really know what he does.

  • Some youtuber who first gained fame counting to a million. Then he pivoted to posting videos of him doing large amounts of altruistic acts such as paying for people’s surgeries et al.

    Beyond that I don’t know.

  • MrBeast is a really popular content creator that makes videos with high production value; similar to TV Show Contests but with a worldwide audience. He currently holds the title for the Youtube channel with the most subscribers.

    About the drama revolving him; recently, it’s surfaced that one of his friends in the channel called Kris has inappropriately talked with a minor back before; and an ex-MrBeast employee has came out telling that MrBeast himself was favoring people he knew over completely random subscribers; skewing the odds to make the challanges more interesting to watch and also a stream he did way before (signing every T-Shirt bought live) had various elements that are outright illegal in a lot of countries, saying stuff like “if you buy this within the next 10 minutes you have chance to get XXX”.

  • Alright, I’ll give you the only non-grumpy answer here apparently, from someone who actually knows him.

    His name is Jimmy. He loves YouTube, and want to make the best videos possible.

    He lived with his mom and brother in his childhood. No mention of a father. He played a little baseball, and besides that he really just wanted to make video content. The family was not rich.

    His first brand deal he got, he received 10.000 dollars from a sponsor. He gave it all away to someone and filmed it, gaining another brand deal that then got better and better because he gained more viewers.

    The concept today for almost all of his videos is “game show”. Which means you almost always have a chance to win money. Sometimes he also just gave it random on the street.

    He also is a part of Team Trees and Save the Ocean, doing some environmental work in his videos.

    Now, Jimmy aka MrBeast has a philanthropy channel, where he hired two individuals to go and give money away around the world to poor villages in 3rd world countries.

    He also sells chocolate from sustainable cocoa farms, that is also gentle to the stomach (Jimmy has a stomach disease, don’t remember the name).

    So yeah, that’s MrBeast. He uses all his time and money on videos, and he himself live in a little bunker close to the film studio. He owns almost nothing for himself, but he does own the biggest YouTube brand there is.

    Hope it helped.

  • He’s a YouTube personality who makes clickbait videos, does random stunts using millions of dollars at a time, and now has a candy bar offering.

    If there is a Mr. Beast thumbnail that catches your interest, usually the last 2 minutes of the video has anything worth watching. The rest is fluff and sponsorships and BS worse than reality-TV.