I get suggestions online like do my hair, makeup, etc but as a first time girl I really don’t know where to even start, so I end up doing nothing and looking like a hag and im tired of being treated like crap

  • This is like, the place to go for hair care. Your hair is already really pretty by the way! Getchu some CG approved products (this can help with shopping), find a routine that you can mesh with, and you’ll be surprised by the results ^^

    I wish I could help with other stuff but I’m just a little AMAB eggy boi who gets away with having girl hair. I love helping people with hair tho, it’s such a minor thing but can be SO transformative!

    • YES, THIS!

      I’m a cis guy and I had to figure all of this out by trial and error because it’s not normalized for dudes to talk about hair care routines and I grew up before Reddit was a thing. But this is almost exactly what I do, and what I’m teaching my curly haired son.

  • I don’t think you look like a hag, although I understand that thought because sometimes I think I look like a hag too. Facial dysphoria is a bitch.

    If you want some tips for makeup, I recommend starting with mascara because it’s really easy to get the hang of. All you have to do is hold it by your eyelash and blink, and maybe wiggle it a tiny bit to get it on better. Eyeliner is trickier to put on so don’t feel bad if it takes you a while to get the hang of it.

      • We’re trans. Sadly people hate us just for existing. The person who said that you look like a hag and the people who liked it are just transphobic trolls. Don’t give any value to the words that they say.

        The people who mind don’t matter and the people who matter don’t mind.

        (I first heard that quote from Eric Andre, I’m not sure who the original author is, but I find it very useful.)

      • People online will also upvote blatant racism and 9/11 truthers and shit. I’m eternally grateful communities like this exist where we can talk about how fucken stupid people can be, and all feel a little less crazy. Who the fuck seriously says “hag” anyways? I’m glad I’m not that dummy.

        You’re beautiful by the way, I’d be intimidated to talk to you irl hahaha

  • General: Baby steps 😤!! And being patient and gentle with yourself while you’re learning! I’m only doing hair and that alone can be so overwhelming. So, my big picture advice would be to pick a basic but meaningful hair goal and/or makeup goal and just work on those. Once you have those under your belt, pick another, etc. For me, the overwhelm came from trying to tackle many things at once. So for hair, my first thing was just to get a shampoo and conditioner product & routine that worked for me. With that crossed off, my attention turned to drying and styling, and then you keep exploring, learning, and improving with time (or so I’ve heard).

    Practical: I think those curls could look better (more definition, less frizz) without crazy effort. Are you satisfied with your shampoo and conditioner routine (including anything else you do after you wash your hair [ie, product, drying method])? Also, youtube (or an anonymous frontend) is kind of like the Bible for learning haircare skills as an adult ime, and I have no doubt the same applies for makeup. That was a realization for me, as I don’t use YT much, but video tutorials are helpful