•  Jo Miran   ( @JoMiran@lemmy.ml ) 
    321 month ago

    I don’t let anyone in my house but I would gladly setup a few chairs, picnic umbrella, folding table and a tray if frosty beverages on the front lawn. Why the front? Maybe some neighbors will join in and we can have a science block party with music, balloons, and Mr. Wizard/Bill Nye style physics demonstrations.

    • I have this notion that one day it would be nice to be neighborly enough to just put out a sign that says “fresh coffee”, “brunch”, “Beer on tap” or whatever as a signal that people should drop by for a chat.
      But I’m not really in my neighborhood’s demographic. It’s an older neighborhood, and the only folks close to my age seem like extreme introverts.

      •  Jo Miran   ( @JoMiran@lemmy.ml ) 
        41 month ago

        You know how some people are really into.putting up flags? Some hang pride flags, others political flags or country flags, etc. I say you should hang a flag of your favorite hobby (assuming PG rated). Into D&D? Hang a D&D flag. Maybe one of those introverts will be curious enough to say “nice flag”, and you take it from there.

  • I’d tell them there is almost no water on venus, that it’s like thousands of times dryer than the sahara. Until they have a scientific explanation for an alternative biology that is not water based and can survive in air, it’s far more likely phosphine is created by some abiotic process.

    I do find it funny because this whole hysteria about life on venus is so silly. There is no reason to assume phosphine is being created by a completely alien, non water based biology. But they want to believe and/or sell clicks.

  • This sounds fascinating. I would totally invite them in.

    It also reminds me of a horror story I read that had been written before heavier-than-air flight became possible, but seemed within reach. The story had been written just a few years before the Wright brothers success at Kitty Hawk.

    The author imagined ferocious jellyfish-like creatures that lived in the upper atmosphere, and kept themselves aloft with gas-filled bodies. Interesting idea.

  •  LillyPip   ( @LillyPip@lemmy.ca ) 
    41 month ago

    Been saying this for years. I’m supposed to be fine when someone wakes me up on a Saturday morning to shove Jesus up my orifice, or sends my preschooler home from school with bible pamphlets, but if I did that to them with atheism, they’d riot.

    And yet somehow they’re being persecuted. Fuck them.

  • Phosphine is one thing but also ammonia. And considering the climate on venus’ surface, that’s one important find.

    Also, these trace amounts of either are only found in the twilight/night side of venus. They seem to ‘burn off’ on the day side.

  •  higgsboson   ( @higgsboson@dubvee.org ) 
    1 month ago

    The other day at a family gathering, I found myself explaining CRISPR in tones normally reserved for religious fervor.

    Excuse me. Do you have time to hear about the good word of our Lady and Savior, Jennifer Doudna?