• Also worth noting: Republicans have only once won the popular vote since the turn of this century, in 2004 for George W. Bush’s reelection, when he had both the incumbent advantage and was still riding the post-9/11 patriotism wave

    or put another way, the democratic candidate have won the popular vote on 5/6 presidential elections this century

      • The median voter is woefully uninformed and largely votes on vibes and name recognition. Many fail to understand exactly what kind of power the president actually holds.

        Personally I blame this in part on the death of journalism. Local newspapers keep going out of business which removes any accountability for local authorities, and the only way you know of anything happening is based on Facebook gossip dripping in all of the biases the individuals who are there when something happens. And the local news that still exists keeps getting bought up by larger entities that may or may not be politically motivated to try to sway opinions and set the conversation across the country. Or worse in some cases independent news outlets are simply threatened into not investigating or reporting on certain topics

    • Step 1: make voting compulsory

      Step 2: move it to a weekend

      Step 3: easy access to prepoll or postal voting for people who can’t make it on the official day

      Bonus step: change voting system to IRV, or even better, to something proportional like MMP or STV

      There you go. America has a functioning electoral system.

    • The chart says it’s only looking at eligible voters

      But looking it up shows around 4.6 million were disenfranchised in 2022 because of convictions. In semi-good news, it’s gone down recently in part because more states are starting to allow people to vote after they’ve served time. So if people keep pushing in other states, it can hopefully keep going that way

  • We really need to have a compulsive voting law where the fine is like $1000 dollars. To make it easier though voters should get a federal holiday for elections, a choice of mail in voting, and be rewarded with $50 dollars for doing it. For all of you people who hate the idea of being compelled to vote, jury duty is mandatory but you get a small stipend for your time (at least in CA) and it’s necessary to keep a functioning government.

    Now if only we can get rid of the electoral college and implement ranked choice voting…