plus the usual betterfox

  • I am currently trying to see if I can replace Firefox with Zen. Zen still has some Firefox telemetry but they are off by default, so I like it. I think difference under the hood is DRM. Maybe it is time to finally ditch Netflix.

  • So far I really like it, some minor gripes like the private browsing window being hard to distinguish and Pocket being missing (I’m one of the 5 persons that uses it), but for that first one there’s already a GitHub issue opened.

  • I’ve been using floorp but the vertical tabs is still quite clunky and it uses a lot of ram on linux compared to windows. So I’ll try this right away and update my comment with a review.

    Edit 2: I updated my pc and now it’s pretty smooth. Will change the update after giving it a bit more time.

    Edit 1: I used it and it needs time. Vertical tab is similar to floorp but it’s too sensitive on “hover to expand”. Webpages seem very laggy and clunky, I have auto scroll on and yet it feels very jittery. Takes less ram compared to floorp(~1gb) with 1tab. Themestore looks good. Overall looks quite modern. Final tldr, needs optimization and not ready for daily drive.

  • MASSIVE UI, like what? Why does the UI take half the screen? I specifically left Firefox for Floorp because of the massive UI, and then left Floorp for Vivaldi once I got addicted to Workspaces and saw that Vivaldi just does them better as they are really well integrated. Zen doesn’t provide me anything of value, and actually takes away some. So, no thanks.

  •  Nate   ( ) 
    9 days ago

    This got me to finally move away from Edge. Only thing I’m wishing comes soon is native PWA support. The addon is so janky and my biggest gripe about using Firefox, but I can put up with it since I’ve now got vertical tabs and multiple profiles

    • I’m getting that with Gmail and 2 google sheets open (just as an example workload), my system says Zen uses 899 MB of memory, while Firefox uses 1261 MB. However, the way they split tasks into different processes (or at least the way my system monitor groups them) seems to be different, so I’m not sure how much of that difference is real.

      Looking at the browsers task manager, they report about the same amount of memory by the browser itself, and for tab handling FF seems to grab more memory when opened, then decrease over time, whereas Zen seems to have a more consistent memory consumption. Sheets tabs use equivalent memory in both, and Gmail uses about 20% more memory in Zen. Both use an insignificant amount of CPU, of course.

      Zen does feel more responsive, but it’s not a dealbreaker. Good to know the customizations aren’t causing catastrophic resource usage though.

      Edit: My only other thing I find wierd is that its kinda hard to close tabs. You have to use the right-click menu – even using the ‘c’ keyboard shortcut only selects it, and hitting it again moves to another option!

  • Really like this, except that it breaks the Adaptive Tab Bar Colour extension. I’ve been using FF with edgy-arc-fr userchrome and Sidebery which is nearly perfect in terms of UI but definitely feels slower than Zen. I’d definitely switch to this if it had some native adaptive UI colour, I just think it’s neat.

    Is the sidebar here just the same as the new native Firefox vertical sidebar, or is it bespoke?