•  Kongar   ( @Kongar@lemmy.dbzer0.com ) 
    22 days ago

    In 2010 I built a new computer. I was interested in bitcoin from a “this is technically neat” category. I set it up and was able to mine dozens of coins per day.

    I did. It was all set up and working. But it generated a lot of heat in my upstairs So. Cal. Apartment. So I stopped. Just deleted the coins because they were pretty worthless then.

    I don’t get too upset though because I never would have held them to $50k each. I would have sold them for a buck each.

    But I “could have” if it wasn’t so hot out. ;)

  •  Vanth   ( @Vanth@reddthat.com ) 
    22 days ago

    I once got a reddit DM from a guy offering to be my sugar daddy. All I had to do was give up family, friends, hobbies, career, move in with him and have his babies. He assured me I would want for nothing. I turned him down, but I was just a simple “yes” away from being so wealthy and happy. He was also highly complimentary of my looks, despite never seeing even a photo of me, so I know he wasn’t shallow.

    Edit: ok, that’s all a lie. I got like 6 DMs like this. And that’s when I turned direct messaging off for my reddit account.

  • Nearly 30 years ago, I worked for a tiny li’l anti-virus software company that got acquired by one of the big boys, and everyone’s performance-based options they were holding were suddenly worth a lot. Being hungry for career growth at the time, I’d left the company and forfeited those options. Less than 6 months later, they announced the sale of the company.

    My options woulda been worth a few million at the time, maybe double that in today’s money. Importantly, it would’ve set me up with a nice house, car, etc, without any debt, in my early 20s.

    Not rich, but certainly comfortable.

  • Decided to OpenSource instead of Software Patent (as my employer was urging me). Nowadays, that technique is used in every decent Image CDN + compression tool. Still proud to see it everywhere. Maybe it wouldn’t have made it if had been patented.

  • I had the idea to offload machine learning to GPUs back in the early 00’s. I was working for a company doing number plate recognition back then, so I was even in a position to act on my idea… but my boss thought I was nuts.

    I’m not sure how much money I would have made, but it’s got to be better than this!

  • I was ready to drop $2,000 on AMD stock when it was $3 a share. Someone talked me out of it.

    While it wouldn’t have made me “rich”, I’d be much better off than I am now.

  • Back in 1988 I had a school project with a few people, one of whom came from a wealthy family. The project was regarding the stock market, and each team was given a certain amount of imaginary money to invest, to see who would win out at the end of the semester. My friend with the wealthy family came back with a recommendation from his father, of course, and we won the contest easily.

    The recommendation? Put all our funds into Berkshire Hathaway.

    I had the golden goose egg right in front of me and never invested a dime.

    •  zod000   ( @zod000@lemmy.ml ) 
      22 days ago

      I had a similar school project around the same era. My wealthy grandfather suggested I invest in Phillip Morris. You should have seen the look on my teachers face when I bought the fake stock!. I actually ended up getting extremely into it and sold all of those “evil” fake stocks for an early tech company. I was quite certain it would do well, and I was right and I ended up winning the project by a wide margin. I tried to get my parent to let me use most of my savings account to buy real stock but they dismissed the idea because I was just a kid. It would have paid for my college education entirely if they had let me (they certainly didn’t help).

  • Not super rich, but we’d be doing substantially better financially if this went differently.

    The year: 2020. I was playing with the stock market and decided to buy 10,000 shares of the cheapest stock, just because it was funny to say I had 10k shares in anything. It cost about $800.

    A couple of months later, lo and behold, my $800 was worth about $5000! “Holy shit,” I said, “I made money on penny stocks!” I promptly sold all of it.

    Several months later, I check on it again. The company has announced new technology and its share price has skyrocketed, from a few cents per stock to $25. I could have made $250k, but instead made $5k.

  • I mined one Bitcoin back in college with my home computer. Now, I did sell it for a lot of money and I’m not complaining, don’t misunderstand, but hoo boy. If I mined more? Goodness.

    It took like a week or more to get. I was living in a bonus room with basically no air conditioning at the time, just an okay at best window unit. This was during the summer. My room got miserable lmao. And I couldn’t use my computer for anything, especially not gaming. So when I finally got my payout and went to see how much it was worth it felt stupid to keep going. It was worth like 10 bucks at the time. Pretty much nowhere took them either. I think one of the few things you could buy was alpaca wool socks or something.

    As an aside, I think the only thing I ever directly bought with them was a Windows 10 key from r/MicrosoftSoftwareSwap that stopped working. I believe because the user sold it again to someone else. I think I got that for $20 which was a better bargain but long term that would’ve been like $200 at least because of how much more Bitcoin is worth. The insane volatility of it is stressful and I’m happy to not have any crypto “investments” today.

    • Before bitcoin even slightly took off, i was on a website to buy something and they accepted bitcoin. I had to look up what bitcoin was, and thought fuck it, i’ll buy like 15 bitcoin an buy the thing for 5 and have 10 more bitcoin if i ever need more. But it was way more “complicated” that i anticipated, and i was high as fuck, and suddenly though that i might being scammed or something, because like i said, i saw the name bitcoin maybe twice until then. I’m not too sad, because i’m pretty sure even if i bought it, i would’ve lost it anyway, forgot the password, or never bothered to figure out how to cash out.

        • James Howells. Quite a sad story. For those unaware, I’ll give you the short version:

          In 2013, Howells mined close to 8,000 BTC and saved his private keys (which is like a password to get access to your BTC) to his laptop’s hard drive. Months later he absent-mindedly throws it in the trash. Next morning he realizes what he’s done and tries going to the local garbage dump to search for it. He grew obsessed with finding the hard drive. It got to the point where his wife left him and took the kids with her. To this day he’s still trying to get his local government to give him permission to dig through the city’s garbage dump.


          His plan to retrieve his lost crypto was doomed from the start. When the garbage truck came to pick up his garbage, it had its own trash compactor inside, which would have crushed the hard drive to bits, meaning the hard drive most likely died before it even got to the landfill. And even if the HDD wasn’t destroyed, the data on it would have likely been corrupted after sitting in garbage for 10+ years. And even if they managed to recover the data, if he tried to sell any of his BTC it would crash the market. He should have just cut his losses from the beginning and spent more time with his wife and kids. Now, this fool’s errand to retrieve the (likely-dead) hard drive will be his legacy.

  • 35 Bitcoins back when they were $3/coin.

    I bought some camera equipment off of some short-lived Bitcoin eBay clone, and decided my credit card was easier.

    Did a little bit of buying/selling since for a mild profit, before swearing off all Blockchain tech as useless.

  • I bought Bitcoin in highschool. Not much, though, because it was just a neat concept. There was no reason it would actually skyrocket in value (still isn’t).

    I had a teacher ask me for help investing in it, too. There was another guy in Canada at around the same time that turned that exact situation into a nice ponzi scheme.