• Everyday I would wake up with severely sore arms, like they were clenched somehow.

    Blood test said Vitamin D deficiency, but the supplements didn’t do anything noticeable. But I was on the border of anemia so they told me to try iron supplements too.

    Gone overnight. I’m so used to problems being an exhausting road to recovery that this one took me by surprise.

    •  Eiri   ( @Eiri@lemmy.ca ) 
      616 days ago

      Huh. My recurring biceps pains are the bane of my existence. And I was also refused for a blood donation due to insufficient hemoglobin. I need to try iron supplements.

        •  Eiri   ( @Eiri@lemmy.ca ) 
          716 days ago

          No thanks. I don’t really need to sear anything I’m the flames of hell, care is a huge pain, you can’t ever fully clean it, it stains dish towels, and it weighs a ton and a half.

          Stainless steel all day for me.

          •  barsoap   ( @barsoap@lemm.ee ) 
            16 days ago

            My iron pan might very well be lighter than your stainless, it’s actually quite flimsy. I guess technically they should be called steel pans because it is steel, as in iron alloyed with carbon but not so much as to make it cast iron, it just isn’t stainless.

            That said yes stainless is also a proper thing they are very capable when it comes to searing in the flames of hell, but generally more for when you want things to stick and then deglaze. I’d go nuts making eggs in one.

            This “you can’t even clean it” – it gets heat-sterilised every use. Patina isn’t dirt same as any other protective/functional coating isn’t.

            Also stainless might have similar iron advantages as non-stainless pans. I repeat: You’re not my enemy. People can also keep their enamel pans (old or the new-fangled non-stick ones), very useful if you want to e.g. boil tomato sauce for a while. It’s Teflon I actually have an issue with.

            •  Eiri   ( @Eiri@lemmy.ca ) 
              16 days ago

              Oh I’m not worried about microbes. I’m worried about a gross greasy film that I’m not allowed to remove. If it gets on your clothes it can be a real pain, and sometimes you need gasoline to clean it off your hands.

              As for eggs… I go crazy trying to make eggs in any pan at all without lots of oil lol. I’ve never used a pan, no matter what it’s made out of, where eggs wouldn’t stick. At least, when it inevitably sticks, i can go ham scraping a stainless steel pan.

              And yeah we’re together in wanting teflon pans dead.

              •  barsoap   ( @barsoap@lemm.ee ) 
                316 days ago

                You are absolutely allowed to remove it, you just have to replace it. The correct thickness is “try to wipe it all off with kitchen tissue”, it really shouldn’t be a grease hazard to clothes.

                Also washing up liquid should do the trick.

                Eggs pretty much work like meat when it comes to stickiness, just with an even tighter window when it comes to right temperature and it’s even more important to let the thing be for a while before attempting to move it.

                Also, yes, scraping. I use a burger flipper spatula which practically has a knife edge at the front. Ideally though things should be moving when you shake the pan, that is, loosen on their own.

                •  Eiri   ( @Eiri@lemmy.ca ) 
                  115 days ago

                  You’re motivating me to start looking into pans again. The only one I have is a warped The Rock ceramic non-stick pan (that absolutely does stick) and it has basically the disadvantages of Teflon (although I don’t think it’s actually Teflon) without the advantages.

                  I’ve wanted a quality, rivet-free, stainless steel pan for a long time. Maybe it’s time, instead of waiting for my crap pan to finally die.

        • Two main problems I have with cast iron - the care that they take is too much effort, and their constant risk of rusting if they’re not coated in oil at all times is just too much bullshit to deal with for a kitchen tool. The other issue is that I try as best as I can to do oil-free cooking, and cast iron is antithetical to that.

          A baking sheet with parchment paper, in a toaster oven, is significantly more convenient.

          •  barsoap   ( @barsoap@lemm.ee ) 
            516 days ago

            Two main problems I have with cast iron - the care that they take is too much effort, and their constant risk of rusting if they’re not coated in oil at all times is just too much bullshit to deal with for a kitchen tool.

            I don’t use cast iron either they’re heavy and I generally don’t need the heat capacity. Think De Buyer Mineral B, in that direction.

            Care+feeding in the usual case consists of as little as wiping them down with some kitchen tissue, or holding them under water and rummaging around a bit with a bristle brush (don’t use a plastic one they can’t take the heat), then re-applying oil which is literally a second of work. In nasty cases, steel wool instead of brush.

            Explaining all that took longer than actually doing it. Residual heat does most of the work: Evaporating left-over water. It might also already polymerise the new oil a bit, but generally that’s done when you heat the pan up rule of thumb if it’s not smoking off then you aren’t frying at temperature.

            Also it’s not like the pan would break instantly if you leave it out without a coat of oil. Some fly rust, is all, nothing serious. Scrub it off with steel wool or leave it on it actually doesn’t matter iron oxide won’t kill you.

            The other issue is that I try as best as I can to do oil-free cooking, and cast iron is antithetical to that.

            Vilifying fat is a ploy of the sugar and tobacco industry. Literally, it’s all well-documented: The sugar industry to sell more sugar, the tobacco industry to blame the epidemic of heart disease on anything but smoking.

            Also we’re talking about drops, you do not need more than a thin film on the thing. Thin as in “try to get it all off with kitchen tissue”. If you burn it off when heating though you need to add some more before adding ingredients, what the Chinese call “hot wok, cold oil”, it’s a simple and reliable way to get excellent anti-stick. You don’t need Chinese amounts of oil for that, maybe a tablespoon (actual one not those strange US measurements).

            • Sorry, but this is dangerous misinformation that you’re spreading. Refined carbohydrates are harmful and can contribute to the various forms of metabolic syndrome. However one thing being bad doesn’t automatically make something good, and there is still no single factor in heart disease that’s more causally linked than saturated fats. To demonize sugar and say fats don’t play the most significant role is about equivalent with being a climate change denier.


              They’re somewhat more on the frontier of nutritional science, but no other interventions out there have had as promising of results as Esselstyn’s and Ornish’s lifestyle medicine practices - both of which call for reductions or even eliminations of cooking oil that is considered radical by most people’s standards. But their results speak for themselves.



              •  barsoap   ( @barsoap@lemm.ee ) 
                16 days ago

                and there is still no single factor in heart disease that’s more causally linked than saturated fats.

                High blood pressure, smoking, diabetes/overweight/inactive, are the main risk factors. High cholesterol has been debunked not to mention that dietary cholesterol has no correlation with blood cholesterol.

                Saturated fats are fine, our nutritional woes didn’t start when we started eating butter that was millennia ago. Various trans-fats are right-out evil and hydrogenated fats should be avoided the data still isn’t particularly clear on those.

                Like, you’re attacking pretty much any nut fat when you’re attacking saturated fats. No, coconuts are not responsible for modern levels of heart disease Samoans didn’t have the absurdly high levels they currently have when they still were, in fact, eating much more coconuts and much less simple carbs. Similar with Inuit, but with saturated fats from meat instead.

                but no other interventions out there have had as promising of results as Esselstyn’s and Ornish’s lifestyle medicine practice

                You sound like a brochure. If you want to convince me of that kind of claim link an independent metastudy. You’re on /c/science_memes, remember.

        • I prefer use of steel pans for eggs, meat, pancake, potato,… I recommend use of thin one (weight less) with flat bottom (easy to maintain coating). Evertime you finish your cooking pass it under a stream of cold water and later you could use a steel wool to remove residue and then your traditional sponge and soap. Let it dry without using kitchen towels. Don’t worry about rust you could remove it with a paper before use.

          For vegetable use a cast-iron pans, choose one with enamel so you don’t need a special care.

          For boiling water the best is steel with enamel but hard to find in good quality, I use stainless steel with tri-layer and a layer of steel in between.

  •  fckreddit   ( @fckreddit@lemmy.ml ) 
    16 days ago

    I am love deficient. Not that I am demanding that people should love me for no reason. Just that I wish I feel loved a tiny bit. I know that the fault is most probably with me too.

    Edit: I feel like I am stuck in a loop, I feel self-pity because I don’t feel loved. I am probably not loved because I feel self-pity. Breaking the cycle is hard.

    •  Hacksaw   ( @Hacksaw@lemmy.ca ) 
      516 days ago

      Our communities are setup like that. We’re separated from eachother, and we can’t afford to spend enough time at local third places to feel community. Church also used to be central to community and most people aren’t religious, but nothing has replaced the churches role in community building.

      It’s rough. If you can get out to places nearby where people congregate that will be nice. Getting a dog is nice too if you like dogs, they give you love and accept your love and they’re a good ice breaker. They also force you out regularly. You can take the dog to dog parks and chat with locals.

      It’s not your fault. Humans are a social animal and we built cities and an economy that didn’t consider that.

  • One of the things that’s too often overlooked is that subtractions might do more to help than additions. If you’re taking a host of vitamins, herbal remedies, and strange supplements and still feeling like shit, it’s likely because all the medicine in the world won’t heal if you’re still taking poison.

    Not to be that person, but I am fully convinced that eating animal products plays a decisive role in depression and other mood disorders. Not only is there science pointing in that direction, but it matches my own personal experience as well as what every other plant-based person I’ve known has experienced as well. Before the switch I was so far in a constant background noise of depression that I was ambivalent about whether I wanted to live or not.

    I’ve tried a lot of things, with only ever small or temporary results at best. Going plant-based, within weeks of staying consistent with it, marked the first time in my life when I actually began to actively want to live (even in spite of our capitalist hellscape). That desire to live has endured since then to the point that it’s tempting to say I might be cured of depression.



  •  ErinCrush   ( @ErinCrush@lemm.ee ) 
    14 days ago

    I need a good daily vitamin. I just need to bite the bullet and order some. I swear some things wrong with me truly are because I eat 99 cent ramens for dinner because I just don’t want to spend money on food that’s good for me lol.