Edit: thank you all very much for your time, thoughts and effort to reply to this. I really appreciate it and I try to find a new doctor. Your questions and encouragement were very helpful and made me realise that my symptoms are too strong, considering my lifestyle. For those who asked questions, here are the answers: I eat healthy, we cook fresh, colourful food almost every day, only drink water, coffee, tea, no alcohol, no smoking, no fast food. I walk my dog several times a day and when I’m doing something where I have to sit for an extended period of time, I take a little walk evey hour or so and also use a standing desk attachment to change my position. I sleep on a really good mattress (my partner struggled with our last one so we invested in a good pair of matresses, matching our body type) I have a healthy weight on the lower end of the scale. I had to cut back my exercise that I was doing for twelve years due to the pain, switched to light Yoga and streching until even that became unbearable.
Thinking about all this together, I think my fear of not being taken serious made me believing my current GP.

I’m in my mid twenties. My body seems struggling, since May/ June, so some time then I went to my GP. His response: “everyone experiences symptoms of their ageing body at a different time, seems like you just experience it earlier…” This was around May/ June, it just tends to get worse. Which leads to the questions featured in the title. My body hurts, like, a lot. Especially my low back/ sacrum. My knees, shoulders, wrists, ankels. My hands are swollen in the morning and they hurt, I can’t unscrew any lids or bottle caps, sometimes can’t even write anymore as my fingers are very stiff. As the rest of my body. I can’t reach for anything on the ground in the morning, it makes everything so difficult. I can’t really bend over to tie my shoes or pick something up. I can’t do my regular activities even though I really want to do my sports like climbing which I really like. I do like being active and want to stay fit. But it just hurts too much. At the same time, resting somehow makes it even worse. I’m exhausted, but need to constantly move around on a low level. How is everyone else doing this if this is what ageing feels like? How am I supposed to have kids or even just live like this, as I always just hear that with an ageing body, everything just gets harder every year? I really do appreciate everyone who reads this. Thank you in advance for answering if you have any tips on how you manage this

  • Seek a second opinion. That doctor is not listening to you. Something other than aging is going on and it should be properly investigated.

    edit: is severe arthritis in your family (or any other bone/joint disease)? Are you exposed to large or long term doses of chemical(s) or radiation in your life through work or living environment (industrial zone nearby/upwind, or very old home). These are things I’d be considering.

    • Thank you for your answer, I appreciate everyone wo is taking the time and effort. Well, my brother has spondylitis ankylosans. I asked my doc about it (my mother always warned us to have in our mind when something comes up) but he said that this is not related and my symptoms wouldn’t match as I am too young. He also stated that it especially has nothing to do with low back pain. Other than that, no chemicals, no radiation (we live in a area where this actually can be a problem so it is quite common to check for it and we never had any elevated levels) I’m not working in a high stress environment, no heavy lifting or something like that and I move quit regularly during the day

      •  ulkesh   ( @ulkesh@beehaw.org ) 
        11 days ago

        Up front: I am not a doctor.

        Seriously, seek a second opinion, and if you are a woman, and it sounds like the original doctor is a man, find a woman doctor. I know this sounds sexist, and I’m honestly not trying to be, but it has been shown many times how male doctors tend to overlook or not listen to female patients. You must advocate for yourself.

        Anecdotally, my spouse has had this happen numerous times. And it is extremely frustrating every time because it’s effectively a waste of time and money. And, something could be seriously wrong (not saying anything actually is), so you should make very certain at minimum that certain testing is done such as various tests from blood work and/or urine testing.

        • Thank you for your encouragement. I didn’t consider gender playing any role in this yet even though I know about gender bias in medicine in general. Definitely something one should consider when finding a new practitioner

  • What you do for work might be a factor, but i dont think pain to that extent is normal. I would stress to your doctor that basic tasks are painful and that youd like to get checked out anyway. Youve got nothing to lose by getting it checked, only to gain. Im in my mid 20s too and while i get aches in my knees/back occasionally its not debilitating as you describe it.

  • I’m decades older than you and I’ve only experienced much milder versions of some of what you’ve described. Your dr is a complete asshat. I think drs tend toward being negligent about that sort of thing as people age in general, but to hand that line to someone in their mid-twenties is beyond stupid.

  • Mid 20s is way too young to be experiencing chronic pain caused by normal aging. That being said, it can be caused by being out of shape. If you’re not eating right, keeping active, and keeping a regular sleep schedule then the pain might be because of your lifestyle. If you dont think you’re out of shape, then you definitely need to talk to different healthcare providers and stress how your chronic pain is interfering with your life.

  • I had some chronic shoulder pain for years. Primary physician was like “yeah that sucks”. 2 specialists were like “yeah, old collarbone injury I guess? Take Advil”

    Years later, third specialist opinion found a missing ligament and did surgery.

    Moral of the story is that you should get a few opinions here, maybe the first isn’t right

      • Actually, missing because of a high-side on a motorcycle years ago. I did break some bones, but also tore through the ligament. Well, I guess it died from lack of being attached or whatever and was gone by the time they got an MRI on it

        It allowed the bicep to regularly pop out of the humeral groove, which I assure you was not pleasant

  • I think you have enough people saying that this isn’t normal, but…

    You’re in your mid 20’s and you cannot bend over to tie your shoes!? How old is your GP? Sounds like they need to think about retirement… or a career change.

    Also just want to second what someone else in here said: Get tested for celiacs disease

  • I’ve started having issues recently, too. After a work injury, I finally saw my GP, who recommended Physical Therapy, which has basically just been a guided workout with some yoga moves worked in over the course of an hour.

    It hasn’t fixed my pain yet, but it’s made it better, and my pain was explained in a way that makes sense (my shoulders and core weren’t as strong as they should have been, placing undue burden on some of my backmuscles).

    If you don’t want to go to PT, I’d strongly recommend just slowly doing 10-15 minutes of simple stretching like what you might have done in Gym as a kid. Stretch to the point of mild discomfort, not pain, doing each stretch 3 tines for 10 seconds. It might be worth looking into some basic yoga poses that target your particular pains (or the ones that you want to target first).

    I’ll bet you’ll notice good results after a week. If not, definitely go see your GP again.

    Obligatory “I am not a doctor”

  • A guy I used to work with had very similar symptoms just before he was diagnosed with Celiac’s Disease. You can always ask your doc to test for it. Simple blood draw.

    • Interesting you bring up Celiac Disease, as I found it doing some GoogleMD^tm myself, but had forgotten about pursuing it.

      I’m a bit older than OP, but have almost all the same symptoms, and have gotten the same “your just getting old” response from everyone. I still believe mine is tied back to me getting COVID (only tested positive that once), and have hurt basically non-stop to some degree since. I know people have all sorts of long-COVID things from taste, smells, breathing, diabetes, heart issues (blood clots/blood pressure/etc.) and on and on. This woman at work had this wild autoimmune thing with kinda painful rash blots that would randomly popup all over her body not long after she had COVID. I guess it’s possible maybe it triggered Celiac Disease for me.

  • Nope. Not normal sounding to me. Even your doctor says it’s not normal if you think about it, he thinks it’s early. As everyone else states, second opinion time.

    Everything you listed, I get, but at a mere fraction, save for the swelling, nothing here. Beyond seeing another doctor for a second opinion, it sounds like you’re physically fit, which is more troubling. I am kind of fit, and sometimes my back hurts. What makes it go away? Working out my core muscles in a regimen after a few weeks. Staying active.

    I am 40 fwiw, and you sound far worse off than I feel. See another physician.