I’m currently using Fedora KDE Plasma, but I’d like to try out a tiling window manager. What would you all reccomend? I use my computer for school, so I would like it to be stable.

  • No idea what distro you’re currently using but generally you can install whatever window manager/desktop (gui) you want

    For a tiling wm I’d recommend hyprland. It’s not the most stable but I’ve had minimal issues with it and it’s really easy to get started with. You can install it alongside gnome/kde I believe and switch between the two on login so if you break one you’ve still got the other

  • The word you’re looking for is Desktop Environment (DE). KDE Plasma is one such DE. Distro is the underlying system.

    • i3 has been around forever and has lots of guides on how to customize it. Only downside is it’s X11-only, so as everyone moves to Wayland, X11 support will decrease.
    • Sway is i3+Wayland, though it’s newer, so I dunno how much customization content is out there or whether the i3 tutorials are forward compatible.
    • Hyprland is another popular choice, and it is Wayland-based. Only downside is the project lead is a toxic asshole, despite being a gifted dev.
    • Cosmic is an upcoming DE, so if you’re in no hurry, keep an eye on that one.

    To install any of them, search for the project and see if they have an installation guide for your distro. If not look up “how to install \ in Fedora.”

  • I would try a few Plasma based tiling scripts before switching to anything like Sway or i3. You’ll get a good idea of whether it’s for you. Later on if you find you need more control over the tiling you could switch to a dedicated tiling window manager.

    I’m using Karousel in Plasma which is scrollable tiling. You can install and enable it like so:

    Go to System Settings > Apps & Windows > Window Management > KWin Scripts > select Get New… > In search enter Karousel and wait for it to show up > select Install > select the latest version (as of now karousel-0-9-4.tar.gz).

    There is a companion desktop effect that also needs to be installed like so:

    Go to System Settings > Apps & Windows > Window Management > Desktop Effects > select Get New… > enter Geometry Change in search > select Install > select the latest version (as of now kwin4-effect-geometry-change-1.3.tar.gz).

    Karousel and Geometry Change have configuration options and Karousel also has keyboard shortcuts (view here) which you may need to update to your liking. I don’t have a need to configure anything in Geometry Change as the default animation settings are fine. For Karousel I tend to adjust the various spacing and gaps options along with making sure the shortcuts I want are configured. That link above has a short video of what Karousel looks like in action.

    • Krohnkite



      I would try a few Plasma based tiling scripts before switching to anything like Sway or i3.

      Agreed. I used tiling window managers for years before coming back to Plasma. Right now on Wayland I highly recommend giving Krohnkite a shot, its stable without any problems and has even multiple layouts to choose (and switch) from. I used Polonum before, but that one is not stable and was problematic. Krohnkite plugin (can be found in KWin Scripts > Get New… > then search for “krohnkite”, by anametologin) is pretty good in my opinion.

      The only problem with these plugins is, that they are not well documented as a standalone tiling window manager and cannot be configured as deeply. And they might interfere with other plugins or shortcut setups and so on. I knew what I wanted and I knew how to configure stuff, that’s why its easy for me. At least it can be easily disabled without replacing entire desktop environment.

      Little tip: One thing to mention, unlike Polonium, with Krohnkite one does not need to logout and login from current user session whenever settings are changed. It’s enough to disable Krohnkite in KWin Scripts, Apply, then enable and Apply again. This is basically a reload of the plugin to take any changed settings in effect.

      • I’ve got issues with both of them, but polonium is closer to what I want. In krohnkite I can’t use btree while also keeping the tiling part. If I drag a tile while in btree in krohnkite they just snap back to their previous position. Overall krohnkite is more polished though because it doesn’t rely on kwin for the most part to determine positioning. Whereas polonium uses only the api’s provided by kwin.

        Lastly I have noticed that you don’t actually need to log out and back in for polinium. Closing all windows and relaunching them has been enough for me.

        • Krohnkite

          In krohnkite I can’t use btree while also keeping the tiling part. If I drag a tile while in btree in krohnkite they just snap back to their previous position.

          I use a 3 different layouts, one of them Btree. And drag and drop one window over the other will swap position of both windows. So functionally, it is working (for me) and maybe another plugin or configuration in Plasma is in the way?


          Closing all windows and relaunching them is from users perspective actually not too different from logging out and in again, at least from my view. From time to time I’m looking at the source in Github to see what the recent advancements are. But it seems development is on halt at the moment, with only minor changes over longer period of time.

          On KDEs side I saw some update notes specifically mentioning fixes for Polonium, which is a good sign. My hope is that development of Polonium will take off soon.

          •  D_Air1   ( @D_Air1@lemmy.ml ) 
            5 days ago

            I use a 3 different layouts, one of them Btree. And drag and drop one window over the other will swap position of both windows. So functionally, it is working (for me)

            That is cool and I didn’t know about that, but that is not what I meant. In most tiling window managers, regardless of the layout. You can increase the size of any individual window and all other windows will adjust in size.

            • Oh, you was talking about resizing. I see. Yes, Btree does not allow resizing. Trying so will snap window back to position, just as you were saying. When I read “drag”, I thought you meant placing the window. The default “Tile” or “Quarter” could be used instead if window resizing is a requirement. But off course they do not function exactly like Btree.

  • You can easily install and configure a tiling window manager on any distro, so you should not switch an entire distribution and your base because of that. Unless off course you want to, but its not difficult. If you install a tiling window manager from your repository, then read the documentation how to set it up correctly and log out your current user session. Then in the login screen, you should be able to select what window manager or desktop environment you want to use.

    But be careful, lot of window managers are still not supported in Wayland and the other way, some of the new window managers are Wayland only. The usual suspects would be probably Sway or Hyprland on Wayland? There is also Qtile, but that is for people who want to configure and write Python source code, as the configuration is in Python language (BTW my favorite tiling window manager, but not for everyone). EndeavourOS used to have a Qtile spin, but they stopped that not long ago.

    But if you really must switch the distribution, then there might be a few preconfigured tiling window manager distributions:

  • When using KDE, press meta-T to activate the equivalent of Windows Power Toys’ Fancy Zones.

    You can then set tiling zones and when you drag a window, hold shift at the same time to lock it in one of the zones.

  •  Kongar   ( @Kongar@lemmy.dbzer0.com ) 
    5 days ago

    Little bit of a thread hijack. But maaaaaybe a recommendation for OP as well.

    I’ve never tried a tiling wm before. What does it do that’s so much better than say, a gnome extension? For example, I’m running a gnome extension called grid and I LOVE it. I can tell it to break my screen up into rows and columns with a simple 5X8 or 4X4 command. Then set as many hot keys as I want to move things around and scale the size. It auto tiles and does intelligent window things. Basically I spend all my time with my entire screen tiled with random stuff, but I can move it around easily, not have to write scripts, and still have all the gnome interface stuff as well. What am I missing? If not much, maybe OP, you’re just looking for something like the extension I’m using?