At that stage they are not hiding that they are a ads and AI company anymore.

  • What you gonna do? Go to Google? Mozilla is not allowed to make advertisements (even with the goal of privacy respecting ads), Mozilla is not allowed to get money from Google and Mozilla is not allowed to sell Firefox. These are some of the problems Mozilla is facing. I’m personally not entirely against ads, if its done right (respecting my privacy and not being annoying, also not trying to scam me).

    People shit on Mozilla and Firefox, but there is no alternative. Forks off course are alternatives, but without Mozilla’s Firefox, there wouldn’t be forks. Google, Microsoft and Apple are way, waaay worse.

    •  LWD   ( ) 
      59 hours ago

      The fact that Mozilla is not as evil as Google (yet) is only so good, though. If they continue in this downward trajectory, they might eventually put out a browser worse than Chrome, and if that becomes the case… I guess so.

      If Mozilla is hemorrhaging money, then maybe they should plug the $65 million in donations towards AI and venture capital firms. Maybe they should lower the CEO salary, which is what happens in general to CEO salaries when markets underperform… Instead of raising it by nearly $2 million.

  • Everyone: Mozilla should find new revenue streams in order to become truly independent.

    Mozilla: We’re open to suggestions

    Everyone: …

    Mozilla: We’re going to explore doing so in an organic method across our products using the methodology that big tech is generating money, but with a Mozilla spin.

    Everyone: How dare you!

    •  LWD   ( ) 
      69 hours ago

      If Mozilla is engaging in unethical behavior that publicly violates its own alleged principles, people can point it out.

      But sure, here are a few suggestions:

      1. Continue finding white label services they can sell, such as Mozilla VPN
      2. Create a donation system using GNU Taler that you can put towards websites you visit, like brave Rewards already has.
      3. Allow users to give donations explicitly to Firefox development instead of Mozilla itself.
      4. End the $65 million in donations towards AI.
      5. Follow typical market forces and lower the CEO pay instead of raising it by nearly $2 million.
  • The Ads position:

    We’re growing the Mozilla Ads product team, passionate about display advertising in Mozilla products that is privacy-respecting and values-aligned. You will be one of the lead engineers that will craft, build, and be responsible for the core systems, both front-end and back-end, that support advertising in clients (Firefox, MDN, Pocket, Fakespot, etc). You and your team will be the domain guides when it comes to advertising, providing direction and shepherding to various product teams across Mozilla.

    Yeaaaah fuck off Mozilla, we don’t want Ads.

    They Slogan

    Why Mozilla?

    At Mozilla, we’re serving humanity—by maintaining a safe, open internet—while also helping the individual humans employed here to reach their personal and professional goals. […]

    I guess that’s no longer the case then?