For example, I spent a whole April Fool’s Day once larping as someone from the first century, which wouldn’t be outside a mobile form of performance art.

  •  Mac   ( ) 
    10 hours ago

    I was bored one day and cut the head off of a shoulder bolt, welded it on the other end, and chamfered the shoulder like a thread lead-in. This made it so the shoulder of the bolt was exposed and the threads were unusable due to being in the wrong end.
    It was a bolt with all the features of any other bolt but was ultimately useless. For whatever reason it just spoke to me and gave me art display vibes.

    I might still have it somewhere…
    Nope, can’t find it.

  • I once made a pair of whiskey sours so beautiful it made the gods themselves cry. The foam, the color, and of course the taste were so good I can never repeat my success.

    Actually come to think of it, most of my first times making a new fancy cocktail seem to be the best, with diminishing results in future cocktails.

  • As a welder, much of my work straddles the line between art and mass production. I’ve made many, many beautiful welds that will never been seen by another person for at least the next 20 years, if ever. Some of the best that come to mind are stainless steel welds on industrial equipment that get buried under paint or insulation. I spent 3 years welding parts for US battleships and Navy cruisers as well as the occasional weird airforce part. Most of those welds will never been seen by living people after leaving my old shop.

  • I once had a tractor-feed-paper-foldy-thing that was over 25 feet long, without stretching. There was some tape in there to combine pieces, but it was mostly just paper.

    Kids in the 80’s did weird shit with no Internet…