I’ve been donating to the news site Vox for a while now, and all their content has so far been free. I felt kinda bad about blocking the ads on their site and fast-forwarding through all the ad breaks in their podcasts. So in the spirit of actually supporting something I like, I started chipping in a few bucks a month.

But recently, they’ve started putting some of their articles behind a paywall. Since I was already donating, I automatically have access. But for some reason, I feel like I don’t wanna pay anymore. It’s not like it costs me more, but there’s just something about dontating to a free site vs paying for exclusive content that doesn’t feel the same. Maybe cuz I’m not a fan of paywalls in general, so I don’t want to support companies that implement them.

Does that make sense? What would you do? And if you’re not a fan of Vox, maybe think of some other free service/content, like videos from a streamer or a software project or something.

  • I’m annoyed by paywalls but I understand and accept them. I never view my payment as a donation, it’s just a way to get access to content. What troubles me is when important information is hidden to the public that might guide you in your understanding of the world and therefore (political) decision making.

  • Journalism isn’t free. For a different type of service, I would reconsider if I wanted to continue supporting them. But good journalism is disappearing, so I think if you’re in a position to help keep it going, you should.

  • I would stop. At that point it’s not really a donation, but a payment. I don’t know how much of that donation to consider a “payment”.

    Similarly I didn’t get the Tor Project stickers. I don’t know how much the stickers, envelope and postage cost them, thus I couldn’t determine the amount that is “donation”. As such, I opted not to take them. Just the same with Fediverse Canvas 2024 stickers. Some amount of that has went for Canvas development, but how much I don’t know. Once again I opted for donation only.
    I’d like them in both cases. Perhaps $3 (excl. shipping) per sticker is still OK to consider a purchase, but $25 for a few stickers, meh.

    Anyway, my point is, if for the donation I am provided exclusive products or services and I either don’t know their cost (to subtract from donation amount) or don’t have the choice to opt out from being provided the services/products, I won’t donate at all.

    But even outside of that, it wouldn’t pass. For me, one requirement for donating is that whatever group I am donating to provides everyone the same service no matter if you pay them or not. Otherwise I can’t really consider it a donation, and I don’t have the money to pay.

  • I do not think I blame any services or sites for paywalls especially if its part of their financial model to continue operations and providing services.

    There are many free services I have the privilege of being able to pay for to support: Proton, StoryGraph, Wikipedia. I used to donate to Pocket but no longer. I want these services to continue and am privileged enough to be able to donate

    • I want these services to continue and am privileged enough to be able to donate

      I think this is the best model from sociatsl perspective. I like service that are available to everyone for free at least to some degree.

      I pay for some things as an adult wage slave, I can do it and I do it with idea that it is my turn to pay.

      When I was young I couldn’t and I didn’t but somebody else paid or Foss chads just did for the people.

      I used to pay for content too but media industry lost their fucking minds so I am radicalized now…

  • IMO, if you like a service/subscription and it’s your choice to support them and thier content I wouldn’t think twice.

    My only paid subscription is MS office, because I’ve used Xcel almost my entire career (almost 30+ years use?) and have never paid for it until a couple years ago.

    So I like the content, I use the service and pricer per annum is good for me (only a few more years and I’m done, so it still works out for me).