Several bands have dropped out of an upcoming metal festival in Orlando after Kyle Rittenhouse was announced as a special guest.

  • As a veteran, I get the worst shit thrown at me. All the ads for black rifle coffee and the worst “for men” products. Also, they just assume I’ll vote republican so all the bs that comes with that assumption.

    They haven’t really missed until my generation so I get it. A lot of the vets from the 90s and further back are pretty “conservative” to the point that I avoid them at the VA and won’t join those socials anymore.

    •  ...m...   ( ) 
      28 minutes ago

      …the only veterans i know who support fascist values are either stolen-valor opportunists or television-brainwashed senile geriatrics…

      …all the real veterans i’ve known who still enjoy command of their faculties support legitimate american values instead…

  • How fucking tone deaf to have a wanna be vigilante, who terrorized people on our own soil, and who killed innocent Americans, be a guest speaker for a charity event benefiting veterans and first responders with ptsd. Honestly, it’s insulting

    Edit: also what the fuck, the ceo said the people who are calling out the bad choice are “mentally ill”. I am a veteran with ptsd, I know I’m mentally ill. Don’t fucking diminish my struggle because you don’t like people bringing up valid concerns. Someone needs to smash a guitar over that fuckwad’s head

  • On Instagram, Shell Shock founder and CEO Tyler Hoover rebuffed the bands ditching the festival, and those criticizing it, saying, “I’m here to tell you, you’re not punk, you’re not hardcore. You people, the people that are trolling and the people that are talking shit, you guys are the mentally ill portion of society. You guys are the ones that are manipulated.”

    Historically reactionary genre, punk.

      • I moreso meant from the metal culture itself. Each genre has inflections that create that like-minded sense of community, so for a community that loves darkness, twistedness, and a wide range of what some consider evil, I find it very funny how the majority of metal, despite this darkness, is often very humorous, loving, and joyful, all while the bands name is Cannibal Corpse or something like that.

        Meanwhile you’ve got nonces like Lost Prophets who end up living up to that evilness more than people realized.

        So I was coming at it from the cultural lens, with each genre having a different interaction of “bad apples”. In rap we’re seeing another example right now, in rock it’s been happening since forever from Zeppelin to the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

        Basically I was laughing at the irony of true evil in a metal band. Because true evil exists in all musicians, country, rap, rock, but because of the affiliation metal has with evilness, you would think metalheads would be predisposed to being worse about it. The reality is just the opposite, so it’s funny.