I was curious if anyone has any tips on where to look for computers/laptops about to be thrown out because its to outdated to run modern windows. I was thinking replacing the OS with a user friendly version of linux and giving it to people that would otherwise have to buy a new laptop/pc. I have heard businesses and schools end up throwing out their old stuff when they get it replaced though idk how I would go about asking.

  • There may be a community run place that does this sort of thing.

    I lived in a city that had a used computer/parts shop connected to a community run employment/social outreach type place.

    That’s where I started my Linux journey a decade ago.

    Other than that… Maybe a site like kijiji, or (spits on ground) FB marketplace, or similar.

    People will post ads for free junk they don’t know how to dispose of.

    • Thanks I will look into it. Sort of related but I recently helped a friend that got a cheap laptop with windows 11 on it and changed it to linux some of the lower end laptops that come with windows 11 are not even powerful enough to run windows 11 its insane.