So I’ve practically argued up and down the thread, but after several panic attacks I’m one foot out of the door with Reddit but hesitant to leave as there are communities I enjoy there that I don’t think moved to Lemmy. The question was asked on my city’s subreddit and I had people try to frame me into being a racist, mock my trauma with white people, and try to minimize the effects of racism that follow us all in the current day. I’m tired, man.

I know not all white folks are bad but some are making me wish to not interact with them at all. I’m sorry.

  • That’s one of the reasons i left there too. I was part of several subreddits for The Sims, and there was a lot of racism going on that would lead to the most braindead, tone-deaf and annoying “arguments” ever when called out, their ability to play devil’s advocate for the most obviously racist shit was exhausting.

    Obviously there was more stuff going on but this legit drove me insane, and since they were pretty much my “main” communities there i just ended up leaving.