I’ve had female friends and I’ve had male friends but for some reason I’ve noticed that females are more intimate and close to there friends then males are. Is this true for all male friends?

  • Not true for all but true for most.

    However let’s make a difference between being close and being intimate; females are usually more intimate than males or at least open up more quickly on personal topics. Gay/bi males are also like this.

    As for closeness though, I don’t think there is much of a difference between sex/gender/sexual orientation. I’ve found bros sticking together and backing up each other the same as girls do if not more.

      • They’re not the same thing, though. If you use infantilizing language with people of one sex until they’re 40, yeah, people are going to notice that and think it’s weird. I used to have a ton of unexamined behaviors like that before I worked on it a fair amount, and yeah, I was pretty lonely back when…

        • I don’t think most people care. Granted, maybe it’s the dysphoria speaking, but I love it when someone calls me “girl” and I’m 30. None of the people I know care. If anything it feels more familiar to call someone a girl or a boy than a man or a woman. The latter two feel very “official”, while the former feel casual.

          Also I’ve absolutely heard girls call a group of men, “boys”. Like, one of the white suburban mom stereotypes is to call her husband and his friends, “the boys”. Like, “hey honey, how was hanging out with the boys” or “oh, he’s off with the boys doing who knows what”.

        • Idk, you think this woman’s use of the word “girl” is likely contributing much to her lonliness? I mean that’d probably be true if she was a man because people would automatically assume the worst, but in my experience women can usually get away with saying “girl” without anyone caring.

  • Well, I hug friends to greet and show compassion. But it doesn’t really change anything, in terms of closeness or intimacy for me. Maybe others feel like that too and don’t really engage in physical intimacy. I do hug female friends in comfort too, but that’s very awkward for me. It seems to help them though.

    I feel better when my personal space is respected, I don’t really want hugs when I’m feeling down. I do like hugs when I’m feeling comfortable though.

  • There are no universal truths about the behavior of “men” and “women” (nor other gender identities)

    However, I believe men (at least in the US) are often socialized to more emotionally closed off. Like the only emotion allowed is anger. Other emotions are seen as weak or femme (which are viewed as the same)

  • I’m (m) somewhat “intimate” with my friends I’ll hug and stuff. But I’ll play it off as a joke half the time depending on who. I was fortunate enough to have made really great friends in high-school that I can be more friendly and am secure enough that if anyone said anything it wouldn’t phase me

  • 40 year old male here. My friends and I will hug each other if we feel someone needs a hug.

    Just last week I was in a bad mental state and my friend came and picked me up to get get me out the house and meet other friends and then discuss what was up with me and told me to reach out more when feeling down.