I don’t miss dial-up internet, I just don’t. I don’t even like the sound because it’s just digital screeches and it’s a sound that makes me cringe a little upon hearing it. Because I remember the times when I’d be listening to music with headphones with volume high and then that fucking digital screech just blares into my ears.

I don’t miss waiting 30 minutes to load a page. I don’t miss a bit of it.

    •  tetris11   ( @tetris11@lemmy.ml ) 
      4 months ago

      I miss that. You would go to someone’s indoor wedding, and one half of the room just would not be visible.

      It gave the disco lights way more flair when passing through a high smoke cloud. Yes, we have fog machines now, but they’re typically more to your knees, it’s a different effect.

      Plus you could tell which tables were discussing the heavy politics based on the thickness of the smoke above the table. The weakass smoke-free tables was where the dull-minded sat, saying nothing of consequence.

  • Smoking.

    Do you know why all the wall paint and curtains of the 70s and 80s never included pristine white? Yes, that’s why. I’m convinced the choices of golds, oranges, and browns were just giving in to the inescapable film of nicotine tinge on everything, everywhere.

    To this day, when I see “cream”, “ecru”, “chiffon” or any other creative name for not-quite-white, I think of nicotine stains.

    Restaurant smoking was the worst.

    I’ve never, and this is likely why. Growing up in that acrid awfulness was a great deterrent.

    • When I was doing some interior work and searching paints, Ralph Loren paints had a Nicotene stain to apply over colours or wallpaper to give it that smoke era feel. LOL

      • It’s a film of goo. If you’re in a kitchen of a smokers house and a tea kettle or boiling pot goes for a bit, rusty drips will form on the ceiling and down the walls. There’s a filmy goo to it if you get it on your hands. It’s a piece of what needs to be cleaned then painted over, sometimes multiple times, to lock it away.

        I guess if there’s no context for it, then it’s a mere sepia tone or some such.

        I could not find a listing for this paint of yours.

        • Yeah, should have been more descriptive. I have purchased smokers homes. Getting walls and ceiling clean was a nightmare. The Ralph Lauren paints was part of their antiquing collection?? I believe. It had various types like heavy smoke, light smoke and nicotene. They were sort of a translucent after finish you applied. They would not give the stickiness of nicotene tar, but give the yellowed over layer. You could paint on thick, but it looked like many used the spray on and dab off, to get either smoke or nicotene accumulation at corners and have general wall the chosen colour. It found it hilarious that people would be spending top dollar on Ralph Lauren with purpose of making your wallpaper or painted wall look dirty. But maybe it got used to remodel heritage homes or movie sets to get the era right.

  • VHS tapes, and having to rewind them.

    Although the ability to record almost anything on a cheap VHS tape was nice, now everything has copy protection.

  • As trivial as it sounds, pornography.
    Imagine having to pull out the trench from the winter drawer and drive to another town’s smutt shop, so they don’t recognize you, every time you feel like wanking

  • Vaporwave… It was cool for like 2 minutes in 2015 but it got old very quick. Just get any 80s song and slow it down on some free audio software. In a lot of ways it could be seen as a precursor to other trash like nightcore or breakcore.

  •  callouscomic   ( @callouscomic@lemm.ee ) 
    4 months ago

    My childhood. I don’t understand people who do. Mine was mostly loneliness, confusion, trauma, emotional neglect, guilt, shame, some abandonment, some physical abuse, etc. Every day has been a step towards better than the previous. I don’t want to or miss anything going backwards.

      • Vapor locking is an interplay between a mechanical vacuum based fuel pump and carburetors that causes the engine to get starved of gas and stall out. It’s made worse at high altitude and particularly when ascending rapidly like driving up a high altitude pass such as Wolf Creek. If you’ve even needed to pop your ears several times while driving you’ve been in a situation where it could have happened.

        Back in the day, the fix when it happened was to stop the engine and wait for air pressure to equalize through the system, which generally took about 30 minutes. Of course, this was on the side of a narrow twisty mountain road and people would sometimes get impatient or not know what was going on and flood their engine in a panic.

        It’s pretty rare now due to electric fuels pumps and fuel injection.

    • I’ve never heard of this but I didn’t grow up near mountains. I did however grow up in the Midwest and couldn’t stand anti-lock brakes — one time I hit a car because instead of allowing me to control the sliding the car refused and just went straight into the car ahead of me.

      These days I live nowhere near snow (unless I choose to drive into the mountains) so I’m not sure what the situation is with modern cars. I did go up into the mountains last years when the temperature dropped to 39°F overnight and my car freaked about tire pressure — that wasn’t a fun lesson to learn.

  • Having to do yard work or setting up holiday decorations outside. Ever since moving from a house to an apartment, I’ve had zero yard work outside of picking up dog shit when walking my brother’s dogs and the closest I’ve come to holiday decorating is setting up a fake indoor Christmas tree and decorating it.

    Used to have to do a lot of leaf picking up and weed pulling growing up. Never liked it and still don’t because of how long it’d take and how I don’t like getting dirt dirty. Also, I was never a massive fan of decorating outside, specifically just Halloween and Christmas, because my family used to have a ton of decorations and my mom always wanted them a certain way, even if that meant taking a few down and moving them. Lots of work over a weekend. Looked good afterwards, but I can’t say I’ve missed putting stuff up. I’ll leave that to other people like the people near me who for some reason still have Halloween decorations up.

  • Gay jokes on TV. You know the kind. “it’s funny because it’s gay”, very prevalent on series like Friends. Friends is a great show even today, but I do not miss the gay jokes.