Can any straight man here explain what they like and why they like boobs so much? Like, what makes them attractive and why? Is it the size? Shape? Or The way they jiggle?
Python ( ) 66•4 months agoNot straight, and not a man, but I just think they’re neat! There really doesn’t need to be a “why” to attraction, sometimes your brain just sees something and goes “yes”
MonkeMischief ( ) 55•4 months agoHonestly? I often ponder this. It’s amusing when you consider how enamored we are with bosoms.
I’ve heard it described that “Woman is the most beautiful shape in the human consciousness.” And that stuck with me.
My wife often catches me gawking and thinks it’s weird but I’m just like “You’re just amazing. All of you. Everything about you.” I feel like an idiot because I can’t explain what the heck I actually mean.
It’s just hard to fathom how a single being can be so… naturally aesthetic!
Women are just awesome. As a visual artist myself, I totally understand the compulsion to depict cute/pretty/happy/sexy ladies all the time. Heck, some artists do this exclusively. Variety is the spice of life, artists, but I get it. 😂
I think we’re coded to enjoy rounded elegant shapes, but there’s something enchanting about femininity as a whole, and boobs and butts signal “feminine!!” to our brains.
Also I’d say size and such really doesn’t matter. I think the really fascinating thing is the sheer variety, to the point they’re unique to the woman as an individual person. And it has nothing to do with biological essentialism! (Tiny boobs are just as good at feeding young as ginormous ones)
It’s also a bit cultural, I think. They’re so obvious, yet hidden in polite company. So seeing them exposed feels like you have an intimate window into this person’s world, and you feel special for the privilege, I suppose.
Lol now I feel like a weirdo, typing this all out. Does that help? LOL
makingStuffForFun ( ) 20•4 months agoStraight male here. This response is excellent.
MonkeMischief ( ) 1•4 months agoHey, that means a lot. Thanks! :)
Glasgow ( ) English52•4 months agoLife is hard and boobs are soft.
secret300 ( ) 1•4 months agoBest answer
Tiefling IRL ( ) 38•4 months agoGay woman
Small ones are cute and bite sized, big ones are squishy pillows. Regardless of size, they’re all soft and cute.
“Gay woman”
Isn’t that just straight woman?
erin (she/her) ( ) 10•4 months agoWhat
Owl ( ) 6•4 months agoHeh ?
I_am_10_squirrels ( ) 1•4 months agoAre you conflating gay and trans?
Melatonin ( ) 30•4 months agoEverybody likes boobs. They are the first positive thing we are introduced to in life.
The inprint is strong.
SteleTrovilo ( ) 19•4 months agoIt can’t be explained directly, by itself. They’re part of a bigger picture.
Straight men are attracted to women on the whole - legs, arms, waist, face, chest, back, it’s all good. Whatever force it is that makes us attracted to women, it’s not something that we chose or decided. We just do.
Since boobs are a sign of femininity, they’re attractive to us on exactly that level! They fit into our idea of what women look like.
MonkeMischief ( ) 2•4 months agoEdited: Made my reply at root level instead of piggybacking yours with a ton of paragraphs. :p
schnurrito ( ) 18•4 months agoMore or less an instinct I think. That is how I was able to tell I was starting puberty, that I started to imagine and want to see and touch naked breasts of the women and girls around me. I myself didn’t have an explanation why, but that was now more than half my life ago and it hasn’t stopped.
I don’t have strong preferences as to shape and size. Small breasts are still breasts.
Allero ( ) 14•4 months agoThey are soft, easy to grab, and they belong to an attractive person’s body at large, which makes them an amazing tactile experience overall.
On the looks, they greatly complement the hourglass shapes, which are very harmonious and pleasing.
HEXN3T ( ) 12•4 months agoI don’t know, probably for the same reason others like other things. Chemical reactions, probably?
Aarrodri ( ) 7•4 months agoFirmware. It’s not a logical rational decision. Years of evolution I guess? There is embedded code in our brains that see tatas and we go ape.
erin (she/her) ( ) 2•4 months agoThat’s definitely not true. Many cultures around the world don’t see breasts sexually at all.
thepreciousboar ( ) 1•4 months agoFor example?
erin (she/her) ( ) 1•3 months agoEducate yourself. Numerous cultures don’t cover the female breast. Not my job.
Aarrodri ( ) 1•2 months agoIdiot.
erin (she/her) ( ) 1•2 months agoLmao
squid_slime ( ) 7•4 months agoJust something compelling about them. All shapes and sizes
verdigris ( ) 7•4 months agoThe biological hypothesis is that they look like an ass on your chest. Asses are visually arousing for males for what I hope are obvious reasons.
DavidDoesLemmy ( ) 7•4 months agoBoobs look like they’re drops of water, just about to drip. So there’s a certain anticipation there. Our brains are wired to predict where action and movement is going to be.
1984 ( ) 6•4 months agoI don’t know why. But I like small firm boobs… Seeing their shapes through clothes is the sexiest to me.
I remember how I thought about this before I went into puberty though. I had no interests in girls at all. And I remember wondering when that would happen.
Then it did happen and boobs became very sexy. So I guess it’s just chemicals in our brains/body causing it.
BearOfaTime ( ) 4•4 months agoWhy do you like chocolate?
Ice cream?
Brussels Sprouts?