I have a soft spot for the topic of people who are dual faith. It’s weird, you know. If you’re an atheist, you get a thumbs up from me. If you’re religious with one faith, you get a raised eyebrow from me. And if you are dual faith, you get two thumbs up from me. It just feels like you’re more open-minded if you are more than one faith.

    • I was thinking they’d be the easiest to reconcile - Christianity is just Judaism with extra steps. Islam is very similar to Judaism even though no-one talks about it. Jesus exists in all three but they have different takes on him.

    • A lot of Christians are Pagan. They either found a way to incorporate Pagan gods as angels or change the semantics up a little. This was common among the Irish, and the Aztecs actually ended up seeing the Christian god and saying “hey it’s one of our own” rather than the Christians modifying the Aztec beliefs.

      Some Christians are Buddhist, either because they are Catholic and believe the Buddha was canonized under a slightly altered narrative or because they found an interpretation of the Buddhist teachings that don’t conflict with Christian ideas.

      Also, some interpretations of Judaism are atheistic. Some readings of Genesis omit the interpretation that he made the universe, just the Earth (which a lot of Mormons use to claim God comes from a lineage of gods, something that oddly feels more satisfying than the traditional Christian view).

  • My dad calls himself a BuJew Cath, which is Buddhist, Jewish and Catholic. “How does Jewish and Catholic work together?” you might ask. The answer is, it doesn’t. My dad is insane. He does it to prevent people from accusing him of being close-minded and so he can claim he’s a minority. It’s pretty sad.

    Me personally, I follow my own even stranger belief system, which I haven’t defined fully and hopefully never will, because definitions turn into rules and rules are too binary and create impossibilities. I like to believe that anything and everything has already happened, is currently occuring and will do so constantly for all time. There’s a pseudo-solipsist angle as well, where my reality is created by me but others do the same, so as to allow for all believe systems independently. If two individuals have conflicting views, their own truths are true for each of them but not the other. Those with similar beliefs are then drawn to each other and those with dissimilar beliefs are repelled, like a type of magnetism. That’s the simple version.

    • My dad calls himself a BuJew Cath, which is Buddhist, Jewish and Catholic. “How does Jewish and Catholic work together?” you might ask. The answer is, it doesn’t. My dad is insane. He does it to prevent people from accusing him of being close-minded and so he can claim he’s a minority.

      In such an instance, I go by a rule. If someone is going to say they want their religion to be respected in some instances, they should follow it in all instances. For example, don’t ask a taxi client to take their dog out of the taxi due to you being a Muslim only for you to go home and eat pork which is anti-Islamic.

  • how does that work? i can understand multi-faith like baha’ism that accepts other gods are just the representations of the real one or maybe islam which considers christianism and judaism are the “old versions” of it, but dual faith?

    • Yes. Alright, suppose you were raised Shinto. Shinto doctrine has a limited range of what they claim and doesn’t call dibs on a whole lot regarding what to make an origin about. Then suppose you went to Australia and thought “I like the Dreamtime beliefs, I want to see if I believe in it”. Supposing the matters discussed by Australian mythology doesn’t intersect with the matters discussed in Shintoism, you can be both. It wouldn’t be like Judaism and Hinduism where, in one, there are declarations of being one god and one son of god, while in the other, there’s a whole ecosystem of gods and avatars.

  • I like this topic. Pretty much wherever you go, people are practicing this kind of syncretic belief. This is why the “same” religion in two different countries has local flavor. More often than not, when a religion is expanding into new territory, it absorbs some of the preexisting local beliefs. Christmas is a good example within Christianity, with the Christmas tree.

    Another example is Japan where they say “you’re born with Shinto, marry with Christianity and die with Buddhism”. Many places maintain animist beliefs alongside more recent religions. There are even communities in South Asia where people attend both Muslim mosques and Hindu temples!

  • I don’t understand how dual faith works Alot of the major religions of the world have core beliefs that contradict each other The Islamic faith for example has the core belief, God is one and one alone and he was not born, has no children Christianity is about accepting Jesus as one’s lord and savior and that he is the son of god. You cannot believe one faith without disbelieving the other, “dual faith” cannot work like that I gave an example of the two largest religions in the world and how you cannot be Christian and Muslim at the same time, which I thought was obvious But plz do tell me an example of a “dual faith” that can exist without violating one belief from the other. I am sure none exist and this concept itself is quite bizzare and fundamentally paradoxical

      • Judaism is a strict Monotheistic religion Buddhism is often described as a nontheistic religion, no mention of one Monotheistic creator diety. however some teachings describe “devas” as divine beings who are also in a perpetual cycle like life is, which is the basic principle of Buddhism and such is anything but a Monotheistic religion

        So no, you can’t be Buddhist and follow Judaism at the same time or whatever since believing in no one creator entity violates Judaism. So this “Jubu” thing doesn’t really make sense if one thinks about the basic beliefs of both religions