Ladies and gentlemen, the dumbest person on the planet, Donald Trump.
cecilkorik ( ) English90•5 days agoHe’s not dumb. He’s cancer. He’s aggressive. And he intends on metastasizing to the entire world. Strongmen only respect strength. We need to show him how nasty we can be. Watch what he does with targets he perceives as weaker than us (if there are any). If he goes after Panama first, or Greenland, you can be certain that we are next.
This is not empty rhetoric folks. I’ve been saying it since before the election and I’m going to keep saying it, he’s actually coming for us. His first term was full of empty threats. This one hasn’t been. He has followed through, and he will follow through. He will continue to bully us and come at us sideways for awhile, take what he can by hook or by crook, but eventually he will get impatient and greedy. He is coming. Prepare to be another Ukraine, another Afghanistan. The latter is a tiny, technologically backwards nation that is called the “Graveyard of empires” for good reason. We can be that, and we will need to be that. I say this to reassure you that it is absolutely possible to defend our sovereignty against a much larger aggressor. This is anything but a lost cause, but we need to take it very seriously, because he is deadly serious.
samus12345 ( ) English56•5 days agoHe absolutely is dumb. But that doesn’t mean he’s not dangerous.
floofloof ( ) 26•5 days agoSomeone tell Doug Ford that capitulating to Trump is not going to pay off. He seems to be moving from big talk of resistance to total submission.
Ænima ( ) 2•3 days agoMy take: Conservatives fear liberal/progressive societal advances more than they fear fascism. It’s the same way the DNC fears progressives and would rather lose the game than give progressives a platform. Conservatives love big business and fascism is the result when capitalists fear societal regulation and conservativism seems threatened.
HeadfullofSoup ( ) 17•5 days agoThat what conservative do they would sell canada at the first chance but they have to look like big bad men so they bark a little then roll over
GreyEyedGhost ( ) 9•5 days agoYeah, I’m curious what changed. Did he get a payout to sell out his province and country? Was he blackmailed? Or was he just bluffing and America called him on it?
dubyakay ( ) 4•4 days agoWhat changed is he just got elected for four more years. The facade of Canada First is irrelevant at this point.
GreyEyedGhost ( ) 2•4 days agoI saw someone else mention that after I posted and that seems the most likely reason.
sndmn ( ) 26•5 days agoHe looks to us the way Putin looks at Ukraine.
Nate Cox ( ) English10•5 days agoSCOTUS declaring full immunity for anything done as an official presidential act is probably why this term feels less hollow; last time around he had to be careful not to end up in prison, this time he has nothing to fear.
HonoredMule ( ) English3•5 days agoCancer is very dumb, by any metric I can possibly imagine:
- it literally lacks any mechanism for intellect/processing information
- it is a random mutation that renders affected cells dysfunctional
- it has no mechanism to spread to another host, yet still kills the host it has
- it has four different ways that it might just kill itself
This only makes the metaphor all the more apt. Intelligent foes are far less dangerous. You have to be exceedingly dumb to choose mutually assured destruction.
skankhunt42 ( ) 56•5 days ago“I deal with every country, indirectly or directly. One of the nastiest countries to deal with is Canada,” Trump said.
I’ll take that as a complement from you. Thanks!
wise_pancake ( ) 23•5 days agoYeah. Tells me our government is working.
If he stops being adversarial on every situation and threatening us then we’ll be friendly, like we are with every other country.
60d ( ) English54•5 days ago“Nasssty Canada, with its healthcare and reciprocal tariffs!” Krasnov hissed. “It burns us, precious!”
He hunched over in the dim glow of the Oval Office, stroking a golden golf ball in his palms, his eyes darting between it and the maps spread across his desk. “They take advantage of us, yes they do. Always winning, always smug with their free doctor visits and politeness. Weak! But strong! It’s tricksy, so tricksy!”
A cough echoed from the corner. His chief of staff, a weary-looking man with thinning hair, cleared his throat. “Sir, this—uh—this meeting with Prime Minister Trudeau is important. We need to discuss trade.”
Krasnov recoiled, clutching the ball tighter. “Trade?! TRADE?! Filthy free-traders! They cheat us! Steal from us! But we—” He paused, his voice dropping into a desperate whisper. “We could… could take their milk, yes, yes! Their delicious dairy! Make America milky again!”
His chief of staff pinched the bridge of his nose. “Sir, we already produce a lot of milk.”
Krasnov’s face twisted, his fingers tightening around the golf ball like a strangling grip. “No! Canadian milk is special! It’s… socialist milk! It must be destroyed! We put tariffs on it, we crush them, and then we take it for ourselves, yessss!”
A flicker of doubt passed across his face. He shook his head violently, as though fighting himself. “But what if… what if Canada is right?” His voice softened, a pained expression twisting his features. “What if… universal healthcare isn’t nasssty? What if… it’s… good?”
He gasped, stumbling backward, horror-stricken. “No! No, no, no, never! That’s socialism! That’s evil! We hates it!” He flung the golf ball across the room, where it clattered against a bust of Lincoln and rolled onto the carpet.
His chief of staff stared, unsure of what to say.
Krasnov froze, then slowly crawled toward the ball, cradling it again in his hands. “We must punish Canada. Yes, precious. We must make them pay. Or else… or else we lose.”
A long silence followed.
Finally, the chief of staff sighed. “I’ll call the trade representative.”
JuxtaposedJaguar ( ) 6•4 days agoThat’s really well written.
KanadrAllegria ( ) English5•4 days agoCan we call on Andy Serkis to Narrate this please.
Englishgrinn ( ) English46•5 days agoI have never known a man who needed to get punched in the face worse than Donald Trump. I am not a violent man. I detest “online tough guys” who treat every situation as an excuse to advocate for violence. And I’m not saying I endorse a bullet or a guillotine or something like that. I’m not even saying I’d punch him.
But this man has clearly never been punched in his shit-talking mouth, and if someone had done it 40 or 50 years ago, we wouldn’t be here now.
Sturgist ( ) 26•5 days agoAnd I’m not saying I endorse a bullet or a guillotine or something like that.
Honestly, my greatest wish for Trump and Musk? That they have all their wealth and contacts stripped from them, and they either spend the rest of their lives in a blue collar prison, or homeless on the street without a single soul willing to help them… I’ll settle for the guillotine though.
Perhapsjustsniffit ( ) 5•4 days agoI think that Gitmo is the only answer to prison for these guys. Send em where they send those they do not agree with.
Rivalarrival ( ) English10•5 days agoAnd I’m not saying I endorse a bullet or a guillotine or something like that.
Hitler died from a bullet, fired from his own gun. His advisors were tried for war crimes, convicted, sentenced to death, and hanged. I think we can all agree that these were reasonable conclusions.
sndmn ( ) 42•5 days agoDonald Trump was meant to die in prison.
Zerberr ( ) English41•5 days agoIt calls us nasty because we fight back. And it’s going to be nastier, donnie.
FiskFisk33 ( ) 24•4 days agonasssty little canadianses
ALoafOfBread ( ) 21•4 days agothey HATESss uss. they put the tAriffssss on usss!
but we loves the canadienses! we want them to be our stateses!
NOO! we hates the nassty canadienses. we give them MORE tAriffsss! make them ssuffer!
fishtaco ( ) English14•4 days agoNasty is a compliment. It’s what he called Freeland after she stood up to him in the last trade negotiations.
It’s also pretty funny from a guy who jails children, threatens others constantly, abuses power, and makes enemies just by breathing. I actually think in his head “nasty” really just means “won’t simply bend over for me”.
ThomasCrappersGhost ( ) English1•3 days agoThis is it, anything but his way is unfair. Same for most of the right.
driving_crooner ( ) 11•3 days agoPeople joke that being Canada is like living in an apartment where the person living in the floor below is a crack addict. Now, that crack addict is trying to steal your toilet to sell it for crack.
Montreal_Metro ( ) English4•3 days agoWe’ll wipe out anyone who dares to invade our country. Scorched earth. We will render the Great Lakes radioactive for thousands of years.
xye ( ) English2•3 days agoThe most common response to this as an American from other Americans is “he’s joking, or it’s just a deflection.” And that can be true. But like everything else he’s said - it’s always a joke until it isn’t. But if you’re Canadian it was never a fucking joke to begin with and I’m here for it.
Showroom7561 ( ) 27•5 days agoGood. Proud to be Canadian.
queermunist she/her ( ) 8•5 days agoStill stolen land.
floofloof ( ) 18•5 days agoYes, and so is the USA. Canada needs to work on its own problems, not be annexed by another country with similar problems.
Warehouse ( ) English10•5 days agoYeah, Canada’s problems don’t need to be solved by annexation, and wouldn’t be solved by annexation.
queermunist she/her ( ) 2•5 days agoBoth need to be abolished.
Dtules ( ) English9•5 days agoIs there a practical component to your argument or are you just sticking with ideal hypotheticals.
queermunist she/her ( ) 3•5 days agoI would practically like to see Canada and the US broken up by indigenous resistance.
It seems impossible until it is inevitable.
grey_maniac ( ) 8•5 days agoIf you’re going to keep talking like this, then get it really correct, dumbass. No human group is indigenous to North or South America, every single group immigrated here. Some did so 30,000 years ago, 20,000 or so years before the Levantine fairy tales claim the world began, and people have been coming here since then. And things were pretty decent in most parts until the religious nutcases arrived. And then the mercantile types came along and made things exponentially worse. As someone who was born on these lands, and grew up with many First Nations friends, I have the utmost respect for them and their cultures. It sounds like you’re more of a troll than anything else.
queermunist she/her ( ) 3•4 days agoYou call me a troll and then say no one is indigenous? And pretend like you respect any of your so-called friends? 🙄
Showroom7561 ( ) 14•5 days agoI mean, yeah, every plot of land was “stolen” from another group throughout history. Even going back to before Homo sapiens, and most certainly between indigenous tribes.
Fortunately, Canada has acknowledged our history, and has been in the position to give back and support our first nations throughout the years.
More work needs to be done, for sure, but this doesn’t diminish Canada in any way.
queermunist she/her ( ) 7•5 days agoThis colonizer horse shit ignores the fact that the people you stole the land from are still here. Where’s the repairations?
Showroom7561 ( ) 10•5 days agoThis colonizer horse shit ignores the fact that the people you stole the land from are still here.
Yeah, so I have relatives with first nation blood, so I won’t own your toxic comment.
Where’s the repairations?
Without knowing what you consider to be important, the Government of Canada has helped to fund quite a few projects to help our indigenous people: Healthcare, infrastructure, social assistance, clean water, trade, business and economic growth within their communities, etc.
Hundreds of millions are spent each year to ensure that we do what’s right.
We’ve settled land claims (with more to come), and have worked to protect first nation culture and languages.
There’s always more to be done, and as I mentioned, Canada acknowledges that this is still a work in progress.
queermunist she/her ( ) 4•5 days agoA few government handouts don’t make up for the centuries of superexploitation.
Land back or nothing.
overcooked_sap ( ) English1•4 days agoThat’s never going to happen. Various bands are not getting back land that now host large cities and infrastructure. You can rail against that injustice until your death, which will accomplish nothing, or you can try to find a way forward.
And I say this as someone who believes that Canadian demographics are against you. The white guilt of colonization is quickly diluting into the pool of 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants who feel no guilt and have no connection to this questionable past. At that point nobody will care and your culture will be erased like so many others in the past.
1% Indian princess encourages those whining natives to shut up, they’re listening!
corsicanguppy ( ) English4•5 days agoare still here.
That’s some good longevity, Lou.
Bubbaonthebeach ( ) English4•4 days agoI don’t know about lack of reparations. Where I live it is only the Indigenous groups that have massive amounts of federal and provincial money to spend. All sorts of fancy new buildings going up for housing and recreation and self-government.
acargitz ( ) 9•5 days agoI honestly don’t understand the downvotes. Canada is a settler colonial state, does anyone dispute that here? The indigenous people were coerced into “signing treaties” without having the legal and cultural framework, and without having the status and power to be fully free parties into a free agreement. And regardless, this is one of the things we are actually doing better(*) than the yanks: we have had a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and we are learning to cope with our past. Every person who becomes Canadian swears to “faithfully observe the laws of Canada including the Constitution which recognizes and affirms the aboriginal and treaty rights of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples”.
The US is a country that had a noble foundation and a shitty follow through. Canada is the opposite: a shitty foundation, a noble follow through. We are precisely the one of the two that does not pretend we came from the pure ideal of some idealized founding daddies, we specifically understand that we must always improve. We’re a forward facing people. That’s why I’m proud to be Canadian.
(*) “better”, not well. We actually have a very long way to go, and we still are very bad at treating indigenous people. The downvotes actually attest to that.
queermunist she/her ( ) 5•4 days agoThere’s been a surge of Canadian nationalism because of Trump’s trade war bullshit, a lot of Canadians don’t want to hear any attacks on the motherland. A similar thing is happening in Europe.
60d ( ) English23•5 days agoAmerica has been subsidizing Canada
2024: Canada imports ~$480 billion total from the USA. Divided by 40 million Canadian population, that’s $12,000 for every man, woman, and child spent on American shit.
USA imports ~$586 billion from Canada. Divided by 400 million population, that’s only $1,465 per capita, and that’s only 1/8th of the amount that Canadians bought from the USA in return.
You can’t compare apples to apples when one side of the equation has 10 times the population. If we’re trying to be fair, Trumpistan needs to buy 8 times more Canadian shit!
Tariffs on the Canadian side will be reciprocal and will only serve to make us stop buying Murcan shit, leading to an even bigger Trumped-up deficit and the loss of their biggest, best customer. Likely long-term.
CileTheSane ( ) 21•5 days agoSo why does he want to annex Canada if it’s so “nasty”?
Showroom7561 ( ) 19•5 days agoNasty, filled with drugs, and we have nothing that Americans need! LOL What a clown.
MyMotherIsAHamster ( ) 21•5 days agoTrump can go fuck himself, can’t he?
lost_faith ( ) 9•5 days agoNot if Stormy Daniels is to be believed (I see no reason to not believe her). She went on a late show and showed the mushroom closest to Donalds appendage