Man, Charlie Angus has really been the man of moment here. He’s doing the same speech all over this country, seen it in a bunch of places. I know that sounds like a criticism - how can he be genuine when he’s repeating himself and refining the message? Isn’t that just a stump speech?
But it’s not. First of all, anyone who knows Charlie Angus’ record knows this isn’t new territory for him.
Second, the reason this feels so genuine is because it’s how WE feel. We aren’t being told what to think, we’re having our feelings put into words right in front of us.
And finally, these lines aren’t stupid slogans or focus group tested pablum. These are things I’ve heard other Canadians say to each other, things I’ve said, way before any political leader was saying it. He’s speaking in plain and easy language, in the exact terms Canadians think about this.
Populism and patriotism are heady, dangerous drugs. So quickly, they can pour over into mob-mentality, anti-intellectualism and nationalism. We have to be careful, and we have to be smart. But right now, man, I am riding this high. Elbows up!
Yeah, our government is just the worst Joe. I mean, we don’t light our money on fire to pick a fight with all our friends. We’re not erasing our own history because we’re scared of black and brown people. We let people have access to healthcare without having to sell their youngest daughter in sex slavery (sorry, “child marriage”). And we haven’t even turned the keys of the kingdom to a mask off fascist doing the fucking seig heil on national television and then pretending to wonder why people want to kill him.
God, it’s like we’re not even trying to put our boot on the neck of our citizens. You should totally go to Russia. Like, right now. And I hope you fall out a window you drug-addled windbag.