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Got this from a post on the alien site. From previous discussion on Lemmy it sounded like Linux users had good things to say about this game but were discouraged about the upcoming FaceIt implementation such that they wouldn’t be able to join anticheat enabled matches. Those users and Linux gamers on the fence would probably appreciate hearing this news.

With this announcement on the dev team’s community Discord, it appears Linux users will NOT lose access to matches with anticheat.

(BattleBit Remastered official Discord server)

  • Every Anti-Cheat that works on Linux (the big one for example EAC and Battleye) only has surface level access and can’t scan your whole PC or act like a rootkit like on shitty Windows. Anything that goes deeper isn’t possible without root permissions and that doesn’t happen on its own with a normal Linux installation.

    This FaceIT “Anti-Cheat” has other problems why it should be avoided.

  •  Rentlar   ( ) OP
    32 years ago

    Transcription of image:

    [EN|CN] PoM (Moderator shield) Today at 16:23

    Just announced on [Stage Channel] there will be a new version of FaceIT that supports Linux!!! (Popular version of Linux and SteamDeck will be supported) And different than the CSGO version. BBR will be the first game to be using that version (A more casual version)

    •  bermuda   ( ) 
      102 years ago

      Having used FaceIt anticheat for… well, faceit on CSGO, I really doubt it will. In order to run the AC, you have to give it some very high level permissions compared to many other apps and then have it be running as a totally separate window before you even open the game. It’s notoriously buggy, but the bad thing is how much permissions it has and how intrusive it is. While FACEIT the company didn’t sell my system information, there’s nothing stopping the BattleBit folks from doing so.

        • There’s 3 people working on this game and there’s hundreds of cheaters popping up every other day. It’s a massive load.

          Especially when they also have to deal with DDOS attacks as they try to keep their servers alive for so many people too.

          It’s 100% warranted and I’m glad they still saved a path for Linux. Even if it’s like, “You must be on the STEAM Kernal” or something, it might unlock a path for other anti-cheat to have some sort of access on Linux as well.

          • Agreed. With the current disparity between resources and playercount, refusing to implement anti-cheat beyond EAC would ultimately end up killing the game. I get that people aren’t fans of FaceIt, especially on Linux, but at the very least the option to play a with anti-cheat EXISTS and can be iterated on for future games.

            To the people who say they won’t play on Linux because of FaceIt… you weren’t gonna play anyway with a different anti-cheat, because EAC is already failing to ban cheaters and ruining the game experience (which will cause the game to die), BattlEye isn’t much better, and anything else won’t run on Linux.

      • It’s a THREE person crew making BattleBit. Idgaf if they sell my data. The Zucc, Musk, and Google already have sold it probably like, 10 times over in the time it took to make this post.