Generally speaking, our instance has been attacked by bad actors causing the site to hang/crash/504 every 2-5 hours.

I’ve spent several days trying to pinpoint, precisely, what the server problems are.

Roughly an hour ago, there was a breakthrough that I was able to document. I won’t go into the details, however it seems that the security of the Beehaw server is better than it has ever been.

Thank you all for your patience and I hope to resolve any further issues.

  • This is great to hear! I hope other instances will benefit from figuring these things out.

    I’ve only been a member of Lemmy for a few weeks, and I’ve joined three instances - one large, one medium, and one small. Among them, the medium-sized instance has been the most stable. I understand that building up a platform like this takes time, and I find it completely acceptable that it’s been Rocky.

    I actually created multiple accounts based on a post I read in early June, which suggested it as a good idea during the initial rocky period. Personally, I don’t mind if things were always a bit challenging if the end result is a decentralized platform.

    The spirit of federated social forums has truly captivated me. I wish I could contribute more to the cause, but while I have experience in pre-release software development, I’m not a programmer. Nevertheless, I truly appreciate and admire the work and effort you and others are putting into creating this space for us.

    I can not thank you all enough!!

    • former Apollo Ultra user