It’s springtime and moving beyond last frost dates in the northern parts of the U.S. Garden centers are humming, bees are buzzing. Birds are nesting in my hanging planters.

I planted out 25 tomato seedlings last weekend - what are you growing?

  • I’m in the UK and moved earlier this year so I finally have a garden. At the moment I have several varieties of tomatoes, spinach, radishes, onions, lettuce, and strawberries. The tomatoes and radishes are doing very well, but we’ve had quite a dry spring so far so all the others are struggling a bit.

  • I’ve unfortunately only got a balcony to work with, but I’ve got cherry tomatoes in two spackel buckets and three pots of strawberries on their second year. we got one single strawberry last year from the one strawberry plant we had then but the other two were runners that are now covered in flowers, and we got our first tomato flowers today too. i love this time of year!

  • I’ve planted and harvested some radishes; got four tomato plants, each with an accompanying basil; two blueberry bushes; and several strawberries. Gonna grow cucumbers later and I’m very excited for home made pickles. Built my own raised beds this year so I’m putting them to use! I’ve got a tiny yard and deck so I’m trying to be as space efficient as possible but still enjoy my garden. Good luck with your tomatoes! Ours are already huge :)

  • I only have one outdoor plant, a basket of petunias I got as a belated housewarming gift - it’s blooming such a pretty color! The rest of what I’m growing is various house plants. My favorite is a peperomia that I propagated from a leaf last summer, and it just grew its first tiny little flower spikes!

  • I grew a load of stuff last summer and it was a bit of a pain with the water shortage and heatwave.

    This year I’m growing chilli’s because they are aesthetically pleasing.

  •  Danielrh66   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    Food wise, not much. Just one tomato, bell pepper, jalapeño pepper, and cucumber plant each. On the other hand, plenty of flowering plants and my hardy water lily has just bloomed, but I can’t seem to get it to upload.

    Edit. Got picture uploaded.

  • The backyard is now lousy with dinosaurs (chickens), so everything that’s growing is in the front yard this year and I pared back the edibles. For food, lots of chard, beets, peppers, okra, and eggplant, since that’s what we end up using out of the garden. The street-visible bit has zinnias, snapdragons, strawflowers, the more attractive herbs (fennel/dill, hyssop, perilla), and four o’ clocks.

  • Corn, green beans, yellow onions, and lettuce. I also more than doubled my strawberry and raspberry plants.

    I’m trying to overrun the rest of my back yard with either clover for walking paths or wildflowers for the wildlife.

    My front yard is a little more tame with just a couple apple trees.