Is anyone else excited to see Apple’s annoucements at WWDC this year?

I’m not sure why there is so much hype on an AR/VR experience. They’ve always seemed like a bit of a gimmic to me, as they don’t seem good for productivity, and gaming in VR sounds like it would give me a massive headache/seasickeness.

  •  Shrek   ( ) 
    61 year ago

    I hope apple can push vr/ar forward because there is definitely something to the technology, but it isn’t there yet.

    Having said that, I really wish that it is anyone other than apple and meta that find success eventually. I don’t really want to deal with either of those companies. Apple controlled vr will be expensive, closed and proprietary. Meta I have decided to give as little data to as possible.

    • Those are good points. I think we’ll see others start to succeed more once the hardware price comes down. Apple has a habit of driving component prices down due to the shear scale of manufacturing they require.

  •  mint   ( ) 
    51 year ago

    I’m not really in the apple ecosystem outside of using Logic Pro on my Mac Mini because it’s my favorite DAW. But I’m curious to see how their VR stuff goes. It’s looking to be VERY expensive and might give Meta a leg up with the Quest 3 as a result.

    I hope they give a refresh on the laptops. They’re feeling weak as of late, and have the sales to match.

    • Yeah, I haven’t been able to justify their laptops lately. I had/have a 2016 MBP 15" that I gave to my dad last year since it was a bit slow for what I was doing, and since working from home I wasn’t using it much. Would be nice to get either a desktop or laptop (or for them to release more desktop apps for iPadOS).

  •  a_m   ( ) 
    41 year ago

    VR is quite good for gaming, and I think that’s the way this technology will move forward in the future. However, we haven’t had any real take on AR, which is what Apple is focusing on with their headset. With Apple cultural influence on developers and designers, many of them will try to find a valid use case for AR and the ecosystem could finally take off.

    Personally, I think using AR to have as large virtual display as you can is a very useful feature.

    • Yeah, the only thing I can think of that would be worth using is for doing work and throwing up web browsers and IDEs and logs without being confined to a screen.

      If it can do that well, I’d be interested.