KickMeElmo ( ) 10•2 years agoI’m an admin for RetroAchievements, so I interact with emulation quite a bit even outside my “me” time. Very few limits on what I’ll play for a while, but it all happens on the steam deck these days. I shared my ROM drive with my deck over the network, so I don’t have to burn extra drive space for it.
mint ( ) 3•2 years agooh hey that’s sick, i just connected retroachievements to my retroid and it’s very cool. i never achievement hunt but I still enjoy that little dopamine rush when the ping hits.
there’s some really clever ones there too. i’m definitely trying to do the “16 notes for every battle theme” in Mother 3
So what are you enjoying the most lately?
Any recommendations above all other games?
So glad I opted to get the Steam Deck, it feels so comfortable to play for long sessions for me. And the systems it can play are so varied!
Haven’t yet looked into Retro Achievements. Maybe it is time I do!
KickMeElmo ( ) 2•2 years agoHonestly lately I’ve been playing steam games, but I feel a retro kick coming on soon. It’s hard to know what’ll catch my attention before it happens though. :P
Mallias ( ) 9•2 years agoOooh boy, everything I own that is moddable gets modded at the earliest (financial, mostly 😝) convenience. Currently I’m the proud owner of a modded Switch, 3DS, GBA, GBA SP, PS3, PS4 and of course, my darling PS Vita! I almost can’t help myself with these things… All that stuff and, yet, all I seem to have time for is the excellent Metroid Prime Remaster… One day, backlog…One day…
Kot_Box ( ) 4•2 years agoI know the feeling! I got bored and modded my 3DS back in 2020 and have just been getting more into it since! I’ve got my 3DS, Vita, and my recent favorite is my modded WiiU.
That and the multiple retro handhelds that I own lol. I have so many games I want to get to but I keep just playing Mario Golf on them…
Hope you’re enjoying the Prime Remaster btw. It’s an incredible game
Mallias ( ) 2•2 years agoIt’s one of the best remasters I’ve seen in a while, and it runs so well! It’s probably one of the only games I can play without overclocking at all!
L3ft_F13ld! ( ) 3•2 years agoHow does one mod the PS4? Any resources worth looking at?
Mallias ( ) 2•2 years agoThis should get you on the right track
L3ft_F13ld! ( ) 2•2 years agoThanks. Gonna have a look.
cavemeat ( ) 3•2 years agoYou’re just like me, I mod everything I can get my hands on. How is the ps vita? Its the last major handheld that I want for gaming and modding.
Mallias ( ) 1•2 years agoIt’s probably my favourite handheld in terms of build quality and feel! Not the best emulation system, but it certainly is the most comprehensive Sony console (You get perfect PS1 emulation, it practically has a PSP built in, and then there Is the Vita library which is full of hidden gems). If you decide to pull the trigger, I doubt you’ll be disappointed! Just keep in mind that the (IMO superior) OLED model needs an original memory card (any size) to be modded, so try to find a listing with one included!
The Steam Deck has taken over gaming for me lately. Really loving playing modded BoTW and starting Disco Elysium via the Switch YUZU emulator.
But you’ll see my V2 Miyoo Mini (with a Metal Gear Solid theme! and a jailbroken Switch).
…also just started playing Wasteland 3 on the Steam Deck. Enjoying how it has the older Fallout feeling.
nodiet ( ) 2•2 years agoDoes the PC version of disco Elysium not work on Linux? That seems like it would be the better experience otherwise
It does, perfectly fine! Was just one of the first I tried in the Yuzu program, as a proof of it working fine.
Time passed, I’d gone too far in the game to want to start over, so I just kept playing there!
nodiet ( ) 1•2 years agoI certainly understand not wanting to start over. Although according to this it should be possible to transfer the saves in case you can be bothered. I’d imagine you would get much better performance and battery life on the native version?
grumbul ( ) 1•2 years agoI love the look of the miyoo devices, I’m waiting on shipping for the Plus and am pretty excited to play with it.
I love my steam deck and have emudeck and a bunch of Roms on it, but have been spending more time getting through my backlog of more recent games on Steam than I have emulating lately. Didn’t know modded BotW was possible though, what mods do you run on it?
Damn, replied to this but the comment failed.
-I have FPS++ (so it runs at up to 60 fps - thought I limit it at the sweet spot of 40 fps
-Day Time set to 96 minutes of…well, day time
-Extended Memory to add 2gb of emulated ram
-Linkle Mod 3.0.1 for Linkle instead of Link
-Liinkle Dialog Fix
-Xbox Controller Button Layout
-And I have shader cache and vulcan pipelines so that there is no slowdown at all.
It works perfectly! And so many other mods to use out there
beefcat ( ) 7•2 years agoME ME ME ME! I created /r/flashcarts over on Reddit, and I’ve been wondering if there might be an appetite for a similar community here.
The smaller scale might mean it is more pragmatic to have a community dedicated to all of the above rather than just flash cartridges.
Kot_Box ( ) 3•2 years agoI would love to see a general Retro Gaming/Modding/etc instance on beehaw!
Me too. I think a smaller community would help, too. Less people means more personalised content, and eaiser to help one another!
cavemeat ( ) 3•2 years agoOh me too, I REALLY want a place to congregate with other retro enthusiasts.
clubizarre ( ) 2•2 years agoNice! I’m a huge fan of KRIKzz’s flash carts! And a community like you set up on Reddit would be great!
This is my first post, so here’s me and my gaming:
I recently sold my retro collection to help buy a house. But before that, I dumped all of my games to the Polymega and a RetroFreak. I do have an Analogue Pocket, SuperNT and MegaSG each with flash carts. For the Pocket, I updated the firmware to support more FPGA cores and it works great!
I used to do gaming posts to Instagram, but you know, life gets in the way LOL
bionicjoey ( ) 7•2 years agoThe steam deck has been a game changer for me in this regard. I used to try emulation but often didn’t have a gamepad with the relevant PC for too long. Now I have one I can designate for emulation and it has a gamepad built in.
Isn’t Emudeck just an amazing piece of software?!
bionicjoey ( ) 2•2 years agoIt’s a total game changer. And the fact that it integrates each ROM as a Steam library item is so nice! No more trying to remember where I saved my ROMs using a file explorer
rubii ( ) 6•2 years agoBeen using my PS Vita as my portable emulation machine for a while now. Super easy to mod with the added bonus of being able to play Vita games.
SturgiesYrFase ( ) 5•2 years agoI always recommend to anyone who wants a handheld to go for a Vita, even if you don’t emulate anything other than PSP and PS1 that gives you access to thousands and thousands of games. Add onto that the fact it’s past end of life, it’s nearly a moral responsibility to mod it.
That said I also have a modded 3ds. I have modded my ps1, ps2 and ps3. I’ve modded my OG XBOX and 360.
All aboard the mod train…CHOO CHOOOOOOOO!
rubii ( ) 4•2 years agoOh for sure! Gotta remember to play the games as well after all that modding lol
SturgiesYrFase ( ) 4•2 years agoLmfao! Too true, Vita is my daily driver, I get probably 15hrs a week of gaming time on it.
cavemeat ( ) 3•2 years agoHow much are ps vitas these days? I’ve been really hankering for one, for the reasons you mentioned.
SturgiesYrFase ( ) 2•2 years agoIdk, in the UK around £80
It’ll go up eventually, possibly not too far in the future. We’ll worth the cost IMHO.
1&2 were sausage finger corrections.
3 - do make sure to get yourself an SD2VITA, don’t listen to the negative reviews that say “It doesn’t fit, this thing is garbage…”
Those people are stupid, it goes in the game slot, not the expanded memory slot.
Makussu ( ) 5•2 years agoPlease play Pokemon Unbound. Its a Pokemon Rom Hack and just the best Pokemon game i have ever played
BeelzAlBob ( ) 5•2 years agoI’ve had a Steam Deck for a while and recently got an Anbernic RG405m (running GammaOS) which I’m very pleased with
gibs ( ) 5•2 years agoAyn Odin! Love this little thing, currently playing through Pokemon Radical Red romhack (it’s hard as hell but I’m getting through it). This little device is honestly a beast.
Mainframed767 ( ) 4•2 years agoCame to post thus as well. Really love it. Just destroyed FF7 and now in a few hours in to FFX.
Its a powerfull little device.
joshuar9476 ( ) 4•2 years agoI use retroach on both my PC and my android. With my android (LG v60) I use a Gamesir Bluetooth controller.
Currently trying to master SimCity on the SNES (have two achievements left). I’ve also been doing as many Gen 1 Professor Oak Challenges as I can. However, my main systems are NES and GBA.
Kizaing ( ) 4•2 years agoI have a similar setup, Switch with CFW, RG350p for more portable retro games like GBA etc, and then the SteamDeck has just been an emulation beast. Absolutely love that thing
Random Dent ( ) 5•2 years agoYeah the Steam Deck with EmuDeck has been amazing for this. Between emulating all my old childhood consoles and having my whole Steam library (pretty much) available, it’s like having my entire gaming lifetime in one machine.
DidacticDumbass ( ) 4•2 years agoAbsolutely! Good games, like movies or books, are timeless, and some of the best ones are from past consoles. I know it is a recent phenomena, but it is incredible having a complete game that will never be updated again is refreshing. Having the entire experiencing, bugs and all, without the pyschic burden that you are missing out because the developers are still working on it is nice.
All my Nintendo consoles that can be modded are modded, so Wii(U) and (3)DS (XL)s. Playstation Portable and Vita are modded.
I have a Cannoo somewhere, early emulation handheld. GBA hardware clone. I want to buy a really good SBC for retro gaming, but I am getting caught up on the best screen ratio and trying to keep up with the latest chip sets.
ROMs are great. I treat them like music or any other art. If the original developers and artists are not getting paid, the estate is not getting my money. Nobody should get passive income just because they own the rights to something.
boerbiet ( ) 4•2 years agoI used to be a huge fan of Neo Geo and old arcade stuff, so I setup a MAME pc in an old arcade cabinet, using the old crt monitor, and hooked it up with some simple self made joystick panel. It suits my emulation needs 😃
Satiric_Weasel ( ) 4•2 years agoI spent a LOT of time earlier this year learning how to get RetroArch working since I had never bothered with it before (I come from the early age emulators, before the relatively recent trend of running them through a front end). I walked away from it thinking RetroArch might be one of the most infuriating pieces of software I’ve ever rotten my hands on. Bloated, Buggy, terrible ux design, a lot of seemingly basic functionality not supported whatsoever, I really genuine nelt hated my time troubleshooting it.
Standalone emulators mean you spend less time angrily combing through forums and watching YouTube support vids at 2x speed; and more time playing your roms.
This is besides the notoriously cruel and intolerant behavior of the RetroArch dev team. They’re seriously bad people.
Don’t use RetroArch kids, make everyone’s lives just a fraction more pleasant. :)
Drew ( ) 4•2 years agoI used to have a PSP but now I just use an old Android + retroarch with a Razer kishi