I’m wondering how many of you really get specific news from subscribed communities ? I’m subscribed to so many I often forget to manually select this filter, so I feel like subscribing doesn’t really make a difference beyond a certain number.
What do you think ?

    •  z2k_   ( @z2k_@lemmy.nz ) 
      1011 months ago

      Click on the hamburger menu on the top right, your user, and settings. Towards the bottom you can set what you want them to default to.

  • I actually use an RSS feed reader to follow my subscribed communities, so my subscriptions are actually super important to me, and I only open Lemmy if I have an notification (which I also get by RSS) that I want to reply to, or if I want to check out other communities.

      • Haha it’s very simple - if you go to your inbox, you have a small RSS icon next to the word “Inbox”. You can get that link and use your favourite RSS reader (I use Inoreader) to get them.

        This is what my subscription feed looks like in Inoreader:

        I subscribe to posts here:

        And my notifications:

        Which turn out like this in my RSS reader:

  • I subscribe to communities that I’ve a specific interest in but mostly browse by all. There are times I might want to post to a specific place so being subscribed makes that easier, and as Lemmy fills up I think I’m more likely to start using subscribed instead of all. Right now new communities are being created frequently and there’s also not enough posts happening on my subscribed communities to make it worth while yet, but it will soon enough.

    I think subscriptions works best when you keep it small. Like you say, if you subscribe to everything then it’s no different to all, except you miss some potentially interesting new communities.

  •  Kamirose   ( @Kamirose@beehaw.org ) 
    411 months ago

    If you subscribe to communities outside of beehaw, subscribed will show those whereas local will not. That’s my main reason for checking the subscribed filter occasionally :)

  • Because the Lemmy community is still pretty small (at least compared to some larger aggregator/forums), it’s hard to know which communities are really active (this goes doubly so when you factor in duplicates across different servers).

    I find that browsing /all and sorting by “new” can be a good way to discover the communities Lemmy has to offer (though it requires a decent bit of scrolling to find things you care about).

    Hopefully someday, I’ll have found with communities that my subscription page will cover all my interests; but that will definitely take some time.

  • I’ve set my default view to subscribed bet there’s a lot of communities I simply don’t care about in the local instance and I want to see communities I’ve subscribed to on other instances.