Its maybe a silly question, but I’ve started a personal blog and I’m really enjoying writing posts for it. Does blog writing fall under the definition of writing for this community?

  •  ZuCo   ( ) 
    72 years ago

    Writing is writing in my opinion, doesn’t matter what format or what the content is as long as it’s yours and not plagarized. Keep doing it and keep talking about it, you’ll only get better.

  • To me, yes. Of course, blogs vary in format from microblogging to captioned image galleries to diaries to long-form opinion pieces, but I’ve found that the larger landscape of writing can be similarly broad and all-encompassing.

    I think the most critical thing for this community would be that you’re posting your own original work, and not someone else’s.

  • Blogging was my entry point to writing. It’s useful to see what kind of content people are interested in. Plus they say that you need to write some 100,000 words before you’re half decent at grammar, sentence structure, style, tone, etc. and blog writing is a fairly safe way to get the hang of it.
    Sometimes I’ll read my old blog posts and laugh at how bad they are, but that’s ok. I’m a better writer now as a result.