I love growing my own food but I have had to limit the types of plants I grow because rats always come and eat them.

In previous years I have had rats devour my entire beet, carrot, pea, and strawberry harvests each in a matter of one or two nights.

I set snap traps every night with peanut butter (and trip them every morning so I don’t kill any birds). Last year I killed 17, this year I have already killed 5.

I am now growing peas that climb taller so the rats can’t reach them. Next year I plan on hanging my strawberry plants off the ground. I have started removing all the lower branches of my tomatoes so they can’t climb them. I have given up on carrots, beets, and daikon…

Has anyone found any effective methods to manage this? My neighbour won’t do anything about the rats and their property is entirely overgrown.

I have heard spreading hot pepper flakes can discourage them from coming around.

  •  Spacebar   ( @Spacebar@lemmy.ml ) 
    1 year ago

    You are only going to have success with a physical barrier. Consider rat bait boxes, as well keeping up as the traps, but the rats must have a food source next door, so they will never be able to be eradicated by you alone. One rat will destroy your whole crop.

    Make a cage out of coated chicken wire. It had to be a box shape, covered on the top as well, it also has to extend outward 1 foot on the ground from the base of the “box.”

    Visualize a cardboard box with the open side on the ground and the flaps extended on the ground.

  • Are you in more of a suburban area or a farm area? Only things I’ve seen take care of them before is something that actively hunts them, or cleanup of the area they breed/hide in.

    Ie, cats, raptors (hawks, eagles), coyotes

    They’re quite smart creatures is the annoying bit. So anything minor isn’t going to stop them

    • Good point about switching up the bait. I have some old cheese I might try.

      I tried a trap-door bucket trap but they never went for it.

      I have avoided netting because it sounds like it could get tangled. Would you apply the netting around a frame or lay it on the plants?

      • This is probably not local to you but this is an auto reset trap. They’re super effective for mice and rats but quite an investment upfront.

        For the nets, i use sticks to form a fence and hold them up about 40cm then drape a 2nd net over the top forming a cage. It keeps birds out as well. Then i just lift up the top net for access as needed and take it off over the winter but leave the side nets up to keep rabbits out of my cover crops and salad beds