Preferably things you could do to anyone

  • I had a coworker that was freaked out about xeyes, so we found out his root password and would ssh into it and start xeyes to stare at him. At first we’d take turns randomly starting just one, like on a conference call or just while he was intently staring at the screen. Eventually we just started filling his screen with them suddenly.

    • The last screw in the coffin. The straw that broke the horse’s back. Hair of the wolf that bit you. Not my clown. Not my kids birthday party. The Sun never sets on Mercury. Barking up the wrong oak. Put all your geese in a row. Quit cold poultry. Tigers don’t change their stripes. Hit the bull’s nose. Pick someone’s mind.

  • I like plugging a second wireless mouse into a coworkers computer. The secret is to be subtle about it. Just turn the mouse on and jiggle it slightly. Do that randomly over a series of days. If they don’t notice you can always get more aggressive with it.

    • I’ve seen a small bit masking tape works best for the optical sensor prank. You could probably feel a whole post it dragging on the bottom of the mouse.

      I guess if the mouse is wireless you could take the dongle out and put it back inside the mouse, too.

  • Ask them the same question is various ways multiple times, preferably several minutes or conversations apart. For example:

    • Are you doing anything later?
    • What are you doing later?
    • Got any plans for after this?
    • Are you free later?

    Once they catch on or start getting frustrated, suggest activities that conflict with their plans but would be rude to argue because you’re being caring or excited to partake:

    • Maybe you could get some rest tonight.
    • Want to go on a drive with me to the beach?
    • There’s a video I saw on YouTube that is so pertinent to [something central to their current life]. I want to show it to you. proceed to pull up a 2+ hr documentary
    • Oh, my favorite restaurant is having a deal, I haven’t been in soooo long and starving. Let’s go for dinner!
    • I have a surprise for you later that I knowwww you’ll love. I’m so excited.

    Note: This may damage your relationship with them or cause them to think you are mentally/emotionally unwell.

    A separate idea is, when interacting with someone you meet occasionally, where the exact same outfit every time, but only wear that outfit around them. This would be even better if you share the same social circle because eventually they will bring it up to others that will disagree with them.