Every running community needs some advice on ITB issues. What’s yours? (Since I need some with the Gold Coast Marathon in 3 weeks)

    •  Sawnee   ( @Sawnee@beehaw.org ) OP
      1 year ago

      Yeah I’m trying the massage gun and lowering milage. I haven’t run for 3 days. But I’ve done a bit of “aqua running”. How long did it take after lowering your milage to be back to normal? It feels much better just walking around after the 3 days of no running. I can barely tell it’s an issue. But worried what will happen if I try running again. My last proper long run before the marathon is meant to be Sunday. And what type of stretches did you do?

      • Never tried aqua running. It took about a week for my leg to feel better but at the time I was mostly playing soccer and not running as much. A friend shared this video with me and I found that the exercises really helped. Your mileage might vary however ;)

  • I had some trouble with my ITB a few years ago and need a few weeks off before I was feeling 100%. In that time I did some exercises with residence bands aimed at strengthening my hips. I want to say my issues popped up right before a race too, and if memory serves I brought a compression sleeve with me that I put on my knee about 10 miles in. It helped with the pain a bit and I finished a half marathon fine that way but probably an ill advised play in the long run. Since that’s actually awful advice I should also say take the time you need to recover 😉

    Best of luck with the race, let us know how it goes!!

  •  SawNee   ( @SawNee@lemmy.one ) 
    11 year ago

    So… an update … I backed way off training and did no running the week before the race. I finished the marathon with a PB and the knee felt ok for most of it. But could barely walk for 2 days after because of the itb. I tried an easy run 4 days after, but it was too painful. It’s now 9 days after and I’ll try again this afternoon for another easy run