It’s fun seeing all the builds people do, but I’m more interested right now in what you feel your greatest accomplishment is in this game. Maybe it’s not the most technically amazing moment. My favorite is just a testament to my own stubbornness.
Mine is trying to reach the light root beneath the dueling peaks. I started at the bottom, all out of large blooms. I ran completely out of blooms halfway up. Scaled that puppy by hand in near darkness and barely knowing where my target was. Could I have used a hot air balloon… Maybe. Did I do things the hard way on accident… sure. But I would not be defeated by using technology or following the easy route.
simple ( ) 9•2 years agoMy proudest moment is cheesing the hell out of the Goron temple. Without spoiling anything, I did not follow the path I was supposed to follow and somehow bumbled by way through to the end.
Chozo ( ) 3•2 years agoYeah, that temple really threw me for a loop. I don’t even know how I ended up finding the last lock, I just kinda ran around in circles until eventually I made it to where I was supposed to be. That temple took a LOT longer than the rest for me.
Drew ( ) 3•2 years agoOmg I had the same experience there lol
zaktmt ( ) 2•2 years agoThis happened with me too. It felt like I was cheating with how I got from point A to point B in some areas.
That’s always fun to be places the game doesn’t expect you to be yet. It’s a testament to the games quality that it doesn’t “break” the game and in many ways you’re incentivized to be creative/push ahead.
piece ( ) 1•2 years agoI only did Goron and Rito so far, and the Fire Temple felt kinda meh…
Maybe it’s the fact that it doesn’t really make sense as a place that people once used, nor as a temple, or maybe I just really don’t like minecarts.
I ended up doing all sorts of weird shit to get through it and failed miserably, so I had to actually follow the map to get to the last two terminals
Clbull ( ) 7•2 years agoI’m not far enough in the game to have one of these proudest moments, but some of the Zonai contraptions I’ve seen people make seem to utterly break the game. Like, I’ve seen laser armed drones kill Lynels, Hinoxes and other large enemies.
Chozo ( ) 4•2 years agoThose contraptions make me realize that I definitely don’t experiment with Zonai devices enough. The amount of actual engineering know-how going into some of the builds people make is astonishing!
MerylasFalguard ( ) 5•2 years agoDiscovering the secret in the storm clouds up by Hateno. Realized you could kinda see the islands on the map through the storm cloud icon, so I used that to try to navigate is basically-whiteout visuals. Used the shrine radar and Tulin’s ability to blindly fly through and find the relevant island way before I was actually supposed to. Still haven’t even finished Zora’s Domain yet.
thenamesmas ( ) 1•2 years agoYeah, I stumbled across that one by chance. Not sure if it was a glitch or not, but I just saw the top of the shrine before the fog kicked in. Didn’t realise it was supposed to be a late game item until later
borlax ( ) 4•2 years agoI was in a one of the shrine (can’t remember which) where you are stripped of all gear and items. There was parts to make a vehicle, so I made one and used it to mow down every construct in the place. It took way longer than necessary, and I had some really close calls when I got hung up on a corner, but it worked. It was the cheesiest thing I’ve done so far and it was pretty fun.
In breath of the wild, I didn’t like the trials/fight shrines. It was too scary. In TotK, for some reason I really enjoy the almost puzzle aspect of clearing the room of enemies. Maybe the little robots are less intimidating here? Or maybe the powers to manipulate give me more confidence than breathe did?
surrendertogravity ( ) English3•2 years agoI think there’s something really fun about going into this type of shrine, quietly freaking out about getting hit, killing your first construct, then getting great satisfaction from the immediate boost in DPS by fusing their horn with your weapon.
I’ve also enjoyed them as a nice way to re-experience “powering up”, since I’m close to endgame.
borlax ( ) 2•2 years agoI definitely feel that! These types of shrines still annoy me a little bit, but there does seem to be a little bit more strategy to it, like you said. Either way, having fun with most aspects of this game, cheese or no cheese, hahah.
NuPNuA ( ) 1•2 years agoI’m at that one at the moment, took me a few tries to work out what the little tank treads do when activated, when I worked out they were tracking and attacking enemies it all clocked.
piece ( ) 3•2 years agoI once fucked up one of those shrines in the sky and dropped the crystal. I was still early in the game and didn’t realize I could just use the rewind power (I have no idea how it’s called in Englisg), and I jumped.
I discovered to my surprise that the game actually keeps those crystals loaded for a while and so I found it on the ground, glued it to four fans, put a cloche on top of it and flew my new crystal sky-bike back to the island.
I wiped out all of my cores to not drain the batteries, but it was worth it (even more since I can now use the autobuild whenever I have to move those crystals around)
Katana314 ( ) 1•2 years agoI had a similar story. I was spinning the stone on a remote platform, and didn’t see it had fallen to an island below. Spent a long time driving stakes into the walls to try to get it back up. Now that I have the hot air balloon autobuild, it would have been a lot easier.
Pro tip, every so often go back to Lookout Landing to see if there’s anything new there!
piece ( ) 1•2 years agoPro tip, every so often go back to Lookout Landing to see if there’s anything new there!
I did it a couple of times, but it has been a while, thanks for reminding me!
On a sidenote, damn I haven’t used the hot air balloon in a long time, that would have solved a lot of situations in the last few hours!
Rat ( ) 3•2 years agoFor me it would be discovering what I think is being dubbed a “recall-evator”, where you take two objects, lift one up with ultrahand, stand on it, recall it, and lift up the other object at the same time. Then you can alternate between them, recalling and ultrahanding as far / high as recall will record. I used it to lift myself over a wall blocked by a puzzle in one of the shrines - it is a bit tedious but very busted.
surrendertogravity ( ) English2•2 years agoOof, I remember that lightroot…
I have a similar story of stubbornness, where I hopped back and forth between two floating blocks, slowly ultrahanding them forward and up until I got to a sky island I wanted to explore. Now that I have way more battery, I’ll never do that again! But it was extremely satisfying that the game allowed me to inch my way through the sky like that.
itsjxssica ( ) 2•2 years agoI haven’t been able to play loads due to exams, but I’m just finishing the last temple now. The colgera (temple of wind) fight has been my favourite so far - definitely not the hardest but its just so satisfying and fun.