I am from Eastern Europe and this is the hottest summer on my memory. For at least 3 consecutive years the heat is breaking all records.

This stuff is unbearable, I can’t even play video games on my laptop, because it warms up very fast and the keyboard becomes uncomfortable for me to use.

So, could you please share any useful tips on how do you survive the summer?

  • Indian here, so experienced with hot climate.

    • Wear loose cotton clothes (long-sleeved if stepping out in the hot sun)
    • Keep yourself hydrated.
    • Avoid soft/ aerated drinks/ soda & coffee as they’ll dehydrate you. Stick to cool water, ice chips, fresh lemonade made with water, fresh fruit juices, melons, spinach-cucumber-onion-tomato salads, yoghurt,
    • Eat light.
    • Stick to well-ventilated rooms with good air-circulation (fans help)
    • Cold water showers to cool down
    • Sweating is good. It’ll cool you down. This is also why Indians eat spicy food and drink hot tea even in hottest summer. Get sweaty then take a quick cold-water rinse.
    • If you have to step outside in the hot sun, umbrella, hats, caps etc are your friends.
    • Wet towel on the back of the neck for a quick cool down.

    ETA: When it gets so hot that we lose our appetite, then our go-to meal is to mix up cooled cooked rice with unsweetened yoghurt and a pinch of salt. its variously called yoghurt rice/ curd rice/ thayir saadam / dahi bhaath / dahi chaawal . This is an easy to make & easy to diges meal that is guaranteed to cool a person down.

    thayir = dahi = curd = yoghurt
    saada = bhaath = chaawal = cooked rice

    Good luck.

    • I’d make one exception: cotton wants to hold water. Evaporative cooling needs water to evaporate. There are synthetic materials that will hold much less water, so they’ll weigh less from sweat and evaporate more quickly, providing a tiny bit more cooling. Plus many have protection from the sun reducing the amount of sunscreen that has to be worn.

      There are a line of shirts known as “fishing shirts” that are made to be big, and they have vents to encourage air to circulate inside them. They work great.

  •  Wander   ( @Wander@yiffit.net ) 
    331 year ago

    Close the windows, curtains and shades during the day, at around 8-9AM. When it’s very warm outside, open windows are your enemy.

    Open windows, curtains and shades during the night when temperature is lowering.

  • AZ here, Get a cheap low power desktop for work shit, it will heat up less and you’ll be able to ventilate it better.

    Otherwise, a/c, thermal curtains, insulated reflector layer in front of that, make sure your weather seals on your doors are good. Drink water all the time, carry water with you all the time. Good luck with all the heatwaves and welcome to the club.

    •  moreeni   ( @moreeni@lemm.ee ) OP
      61 year ago

      Thank you for the all the advices but my laptop is already the “low power” option. The other one is a desktop, which produces way more heat. Although still less than most modern “gaming stations”

      The club, is sadly, not the one I would like to be in. I have always been a fan of winter but it seems like with each year it’s going to be harder to enjoy it

  • This stuff is unbearable, I can’t even play video games on my laptop, because it warms up very fast and the keyboard becomes uncomfortable for me to use.

    There’s a lot of good advice in here but I haven’t seen anyone tell you to just reduce the amount of heat being generated in your home. Almost every plugged in electrical device in your home is generating some amount of heat. Esp. if they’re in use.

    So my suggestion to you is to flip off the power-strip or unplug unnecessary devices, and find something else to occupy your time. The consoles, PCs, the tv itself, they’re all hungry devices that generate a lot of heat. Those fans people are telling you to use? They generate heat too… so while I’m not saying, “don’t use a fan to stay cool”, I am saying, “don’t fill your home with running fans in rooms you aren’t in”.

  • Brazilian here, to be fair I’ve read so many good tricks here that I am not sure what I have to contribute, but yeah, light clothes with bright colours or white, don’t dress dark as your clothes you heat up. No shoes if you can, but also not barefeet lol sandals and flip flops havaianas styles. If you live close to the beach obviously go take a swim, otherwise swimming pool or AC at home or car or go to store random stores with AC too lol. Drink cold stuff, keep hydrated. Fans, and cold shower.

  • When I lived in a top floor apartment in Melbourne, where it regularly hit 40°C without any air-conditioning (still unsure how that was and is legal to rent out), I would use a spray bottle of water and a fan to evaporatively cool myself, cold showers to lower my body heat and trips to an air-conditioned space like the cinema or shopping centre during the worst of it.

  • If AC isnt an option, the way Ive gotten through summers without is opening one window on one side of the building, then another one on the opposite side. Then point a box fan facing outward of one window, and do your best to seal the gaps with some cardboard or whatever you have. This will create negative pressure in the building, drawing in a bunch of air from the opposite window.

    • I live in the southern US, and my house basically has this built-in. There’s a big fan in the middle of the house that blows air into the attic, so if you open a few windows and flip the fan on it creates a breeze through the whole house.

      Make sure your sewer traps haven’t dried up though. I turned it on with the house closed up one day and it sucked in air through the shower drain in the guest bathroom that hadn’t been used in a while…

      • Attic fans are great. We’d run it when the sun went down to draw in the cool night air. After that we shut everything up and drew the blinds. The house would stay very cool until late the next afternoon. On super hot days we might have run the AC for a few hours in the late afternoon or evening.

      • would be nice with a test for a sealed fan like I described. the problem with that setup is that the negative pressure will try to pull from both windows, competing with the fan trying to blow out and not getting as much flow

  • If the dew point is favorable at least, then drinking Hot Coffee and let myself sweat in front of an Electric Fan. If it is very humid, Ice on neck or taking a cold shower.

    If I had to go outside or Air conditioning at the office broke, then I’d wear light clothing where sweat is easier to evaporate

    Otherwise, I’d just use air conditioning and eat up the electricity cost, fuck this weather.

  • I’m late to this party because I’m on the other side of the planet in a sub-tropical climate. I agree with the commenter from India and want to add:

    • if you have a cotton cap / beanie / soft hat, get it out Wet it, wring it out, and put it in your freezer in roughly the right shape for your head. Use whatever is in the freezer to shape it, then let it freeze. Remove from freezer, put it in your head, and thank me for the brief but blessed relief.

    • Wear a light cotton long sleeve top. Wet the sleeves and stand or sit in front of a fan or in a breezy spit in the shade. It’s like air conditioning for your skin.

    • Wet your head for instant relief. Your wet hair will help keep you cool for longer.

    • Plan your day around the heat. If you have to go out, do it as early in the day as you can to avoid the heat. Stay in the shade as much as possible, but somewhere with good air flow

    • I live in South Vietnam. I stay inside for the hours between 12 and generally 3-4. If I’m outside during those hours, I stay still as much as possible. Always have a drink: lite tea is common here. Avoid direct sun, cover exposed areas of skin when traveling. Evaporative cooling is your friend. You can keep a small spray bottle of water with you. Fans heat up a room if the room isn’t vented, so keep the fan on, but crack the door if you don’t have AC.

      I’m originally from a city quite close to Canada, known for harsh winters, and now I live in a place where 40c is common. If the temperature gets too high, or you begin feeling sick/dizzy. Find a place to cool down and hydrate. Heat stroke is no joke.

    • wet your head

      For some reason, I’ve never really thought about this. I splash my face, my neck, wet my arms and legs, but I always forget the top of my head.

      Maybe I unconciously assume my hair provides good shade, but it’s definitely not long and thick enough for that.

      plan your day around the heat

      This is probably the most important part. It’s quite easy to do that on weekends, but many people have their set in stone hours at work that just aren’t compatible with that kind of weather.

      We need to figure out how employers can be more flexible with allowing their employees to work around the heat when possible. It’s normal for construction workers to start earlier and pause during the hottest hours, why not do that in the office too?

      Some middle-european countries are starting to consider the siesta model of their southern neighbours, and I think that’s not a bad idea at all.

        • Less traffic is something I didn’t even think about, but that’s absolutely a big added benefit. Especially when so many people don’t seem to care about speed limits in construction zones. Well, here at least, I don’t know about Australia.

          I don’t envy the people who do roadside work, it must be incredibly stressful. Hearing protection, helmet and visor protect them, but also make it harder to notice approaching traffic.

          I would probably be jumpscared every time a truck suddenly appears in my peripheral.

  •  sunbeam60   ( @sunbeam60@lemmy.one ) 
    1 year ago

    Houses are built differently in hot areas. Very few windows facing south. Shutters on all windows. All windows deeply recessed. Channel the wind, ie have a deep through channel that spans across the house so any pressure differential causes air to exchange. Tiled floors. No/low insulation.

    In Northern Europe, we live in sweat boxes designed for letting in maximum light and keeping heat inside the house.

  •  Oneser   ( @Oneser@lemm.ee ) 
    81 year ago

    The one thing I don’t see mentioned enough for keeping your apartment cool is to close all windows and draw all curtains during the day and open them when the temperature outside is lower than that inside (normally ~an hour after sunset).

    Heat reflects off all surface, so it’s not just about keeping light out.

    Blinds on the outside of your windows help significantly too.

    • Totally. Blows my mind that people can’t seem to understand that if it’s hotter outside than inside, the inside won’t get any cooler by opening windows.

      Last summer in London (42 C!!) we became a box of shadows during the day. Keep the cool inside.

    • This is how I got through my youth when I had to work in the sun (wet bandana) Anything that gets you wet with some air flow. It’s like sweating without to electrolyte hit. Works better in low humidity, of course.

      I’m lucky now because I have AC and can just stay indoors through the hot part of the day. I still make the house a dark cave after trapping the coolest air I can from overnight.