This idea popped into my head this morning, and I just wanted to share it with you all. If you find it interesting, feel free to write something based on it. ☺️

  • I can’t say I have a story idea for it, but I can say that personally, I find the idea deeply terrifying. I am painfully aware that there is a lot in this world that I do not want to experience, and I do not find any counterbalancing thrill for any other bit of someone’s life I might experience.

    But for many types of gambling, I feel a negative feedback loop instead of a positive one. I can see the risks really fast.

    • Funnily enough, that type of conclusion is something I thought about when coming up with this prompt - that this kind of ability could definitely lead to some horrible experiences. I’m sure that inhabiting another person’s body, for even just one mundane minute of their lives, would be disorienting by itself.

  •  aMalayali   ( ) 
    2 years ago

    What does swapping minds mean here?
    Exchanging bodies? Memories? Or outlooks?

    If it’s memories, it could be used to setup a investigative or thriller story, where the protag accidently switches minds with some evil person. The protag is unable to find a reflective surface to identify their new body(if the memory transfer happens together with body swap) within the one minute(their initial shock making them lose a lot of it).

    Or it could be a case where another person finds out the powers of protag n forces/entices them to use it.